Sunday, March 18, 2012

dumb lamb

I’m supposed to write about my favorite Psalm but I woke up at 3:00a.m. with this in my head…

Oh no, not again…Now where am I?
If I don’t get lost at least once a day it means I never left the fold…which really, if I knew what was good for me, I wouldn’t—leave the fold that is.

But, I’m just a dumb lamb...


Join me over at Kingdom Bloggers for the rest of the story...

Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Quick & The Dead

It could be titled The Quick and The Dead.

Join me over at Kingdom Bloggers for the simply profound how and why I read The Book... And a question about another book, that you want to make sure you're name is in...

Monday, March 5, 2012

When love leaks



A baby for an hour

Or a spouse for life

When it ends—it was never enough.

There’s never enough time for love

Love is too big, to fit into time

It’s eternal—never fails, never ends

Love can’t be boxed in a time-casket

It spreads wings and flies beyond the grave

By definition

Love in its purest

Love at its best

Is God


Ever Present

Ever Faithful

Ever After

So if we have loved…truly loved

We have tasted and touched the very presence of God

We have grasped the Eternal

And when love wearing skin takes wing—from time to eternal—the memory leaks, from eyes to cheeks.

And the part that hurts, the heart that yearns—for one more touch, one more kiss, one more word—is the part that never ends, but mends; never forgets, but grows strong, rooted in the fertile soil of Love.

And then, from the deepest part of our heart—where Love resides—in the dark, we see a glimmer of Light, in despair we find a sliver of Hope, and even though eyes may water and lips may quiver…we smile.

Knowing—not always feeling, but always knowing—His Love that will never leave, never fail, never end…is our happily ever-after.


The Eulogy of Douglas L. Spurling

As you know, each Sunday I’ve been privileged to visit Kingdom Bloggers. The last topic was to write our own eulogy. It was kind-of an eerie assignment—to imagine what should be said after I’m dead. I thought of lots of options but landed on one concise and simple.

For those of you who missed my funeral…here’s what I wrote. (By-the-way, if you really do miss my funeral, don’t feel bad—I won’t be there either—I’ll be at my Home Coming Party :-)

The eulogy of Douglas L. Spurling

He never really felt quite at home.

He stumbled

He fumbled

He got bucked off

He prayed

He stood

He picked back up

He got back on

He loved to fish…wasn’t much on catchin’

He listened—especially to a child.

He smiled when he cried.

He saw:

Big in little

God in dirty

Strength in weak

He said:

“Take yer time—you’ll get there faster”

“If you don’t quit you win”

“Just ‘cuz you can—don’t mean you should”

“Can’t clean a fish before you catch it”

“Words are powerful”

“A love filled prayer, in the hands of faith, is the strongest force on earth”

“Everybody matters”

He spelled unique—YOUnique

He lived simple, quiet and slow

When he failed, he prayed…he prayed, often.

His Hero was Jesus—which made all the difference.

He believed the nursery rhyme:

Merrily, merrily, merrily life is but a dream…and when you die—you truly wake.

And now—he’s truly awake.

He never really felt quite at home...until now.
