
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Endless Summer 2

As a partial answer to the question posed in my last blog…

If living in Endless Summer means no-problems and Winter’s-Chill is identified with trials; then the answer is an emphatic NO You can’t live in Endless Summer Blissville. Sorry.

Last night is a fresh reminder. We left Sebring Florida bright and early. No problems. Destination: Endless Summer. (Yeah right.)

“Would you like an apple?” I asked my wife. Grabbing the apple she said, “NO!” (Now, that’s what Adam should have said to Eve. If he had, maybe we’d be walking around in “Endless Summer Nudist Colony.” And if I’d thought about it at the time, maybe I’d have laughed instead of getting upset because of her grouchy response.)

“What is wrong with you?” I snapped.

“Well, you swerved clear out into the other lane!”

“I DID NOT. You lie. Why would you say that? I didn’t even cross the dotted line.”


I know, I know-it’s plumb stupid but, I was steaming. Thinking she should walk or drive herself or get a plane ticket or...

PSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. I actually heard myself steaming…

Whoa... Slight fish tale followed by sluggish steering.

“What was that?” We both said.

Almost to Atlanta, less than a hundred miles to finish the first leg of our journey, wet roads, heavy traffic, narrow shoulder and a flat left rear tire. GREAT!

Those are bran-new tires, less than a year old for crying out loud.

The timing was perfect: perfect because it jerked this jerk out of his mental fuming. (Although, not immediately. I think I heard the rain on the road sizzle as I slid under the truck to have a look.)

Apparently the emergency- line- hanger-gizmo disconnected and rubbed the tire until PSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.

How many miles did it rub until just at the right moment – when I needed cooling off in a Georgia rain. PSSSSSS.

It could have been tied off and fixed with a shoe string; if we’d have seen it. We didn’t. Like life. We can’t always be ready for what’s around the next bend but we can be ready for the end.

Life is short and uncertain; grand and awesome.

“In this world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” ~ Jesus.


  1. God will always take care of us.

  2. the conversation taking place sounded so familiar:) ...would imagine the air was a bit thick too.

    Endless Summer Nudist Colony? isn't funny how we all point to Adam and Eve. yet...there's not a man or woman that wouldn't have done the same thing. lookin forward to the next part of this...


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