
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

God Thing

I woke with The Thanksgiving Prayer on my heart and transferred it to paper and ink. After reading the poem/prayer my wife suggested I ask to lead the prayer for our Thanksgiving meal. It wasn’t that easy since our meal is shared with a hundred or so residents of Whispering Pines RV Park. And I was sure they already had asked someone to pray, and I wasn’t sure I wanted too. I’m not real big on speaking in front of lots of people – even though I do it often enough.

As we walked to the clubhouse, carrying the turkey we’d prepared, I told my wife: “We’ll just leave it up to the Lord, if He wants me to pray, He’ll find a way and someone will ask.”

Our RV Park is not a Christian park by any written rules, but is one by action. We don’t ask if we can say a public prayer before our meals, we do it. We don’t ask if we can hold Bible Study every Wednesday morning and Sunday night sing-a-long, we just do it. We don’t ask if we can include prayer requests in the newsletter, we just do. We have many ministers and Godly people filled with wisdom and grace and gifting for offering an inspiring prayer. Mrs. Johnson has been in charge of organizing the meal for years. She already had everything planned out and I wouldn’t be asked to pray – I was sure of it.

After several minutes of folks chatting themselves up and sitting themselves down, I heard a voice. “Would you mind leading us in prayer?” I turned and saw Mrs. Johnson with her precious smile and glistening eyes.

As we were cleaning up after the meal, I told Mrs. Johnson about the poem/prayer I had written that morning and that her asking me to pray was, in my opinion, a God thing. This led to Mr. Johnson telling me a story about how God uses little things in big ways.

There are these moments we call coincidence, but right when we need it the most, God pulls on the chords of our heart, rolls back the curtain and allows us to see the finger print of a nail scarred hand and hear the breath of The-One-Who-Calls these things God-incidences.

He is here and He hears. Won’t you give Him a listen.

This is a part to the new Wednesday gathering GOD-BUMPS & GOD-INCIDENCES at Jennifer Dukes Getting Down With Jesus.



  1. Amazing how/when the Lord opens those doors for and by us, isn't it. How would we ever have a different life that would be so filled with blessings?

  2. Caryjo, I don't think we could have a life filled with blessing if not for The Lord Giver of Every Good & Perfect Gift. Blessed be His Holy Name! Amen. Kinda felt like preachin' there for a sec. Thanks for your kind visit.

  3. Oh Doug ... What a perfect story! I'm so glad you linked up to the community. This is such a tender moment. I love how you point out that God has pulled back the curtain, to give us eyes to see. We don't always get to see these moments as they unfold, but when we do, it's divine. Thank you, friend, for sharing.

  4. Jennifer, a perfect story… thanks, coming from a journalism professor that's quite a compliment. But I guess I ought not to be surprised since it's really all about a Perfect God. Thank you so much for your visit.

  5. What an excellent example of the Holy Spirit at work. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  6. Denise, hi, how are you? Thank you for sharing. You're in my prayers

  7. Susan, thank you. I was taking some pictures this morning and thought of you and how you do such an awesome job with you photos. The Holy Spirit at work through your pics. Thanks for your visit.


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