
Monday, December 26, 2011

Crimson Lane


He stopped blood red, at the Intersection of Crimson Lane.

He wanted left.

He could have left.

He could fight.

But He chose Right.

Not My will, but Thine, He said.

I’ll climb this hill

I’ll face this cross

I’ll bleed, I’ll die

But Father, please, don’t leave My side.

But hanging there, it seemed... His Father lied,

My God, My God why hast thou forsaken Me?
He cried.

Alone and scared,

Day went to night…

Into Thy hands I commit My Spirit

He died.

He left, but not far.

Hell’s gates to jar

Then, He did fight

The enemy of Light

And for what?

For who?

For me,

for you.

He won. He returned. He said

I AM with you always.

He could have chose left…But He chose Right.

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  1. WOW! Wonderful wording! Saw the photo earlier today and thought it was neat, but this connection is very fulfilling.

  2. Thanks Caryjo, hope you had a great Christmas! When I saw the name of the road I needed a picture - when I saw the stop sign I thought it was worth sharing, then when I saw the cross (power pole) I had to write about it.

  3. Nice! Yet another reason to keep a camera with you at all times. :)


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