
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Mommy's just like Jesus

She adjusted her skirt, wiped a sweaty palm and opened her mouth. “Hi kids my name is Kayla Bugans. You can call me Miss Kay, or…” she gave a crooked smile, “Miss Bug.” That gave the kindergarten class at Above and Beyond Christian Center a giggle and it caught their attention, which was what Kayla wanted most. She grabbed a quick breath and explained that she’d be the new Sunday school teacher, “since Ms Kris…” Kayla closed her eyes and shook her head twice, “um…from now on I’ll be your Sunday school teacher.” Oh, boy…that was stupid—Jesus help. Lori’s sitting right there, looking at me with those big brown eyes. Her cheeks have jelly stains and her pony tail’s crooked—but other than that she looks clean… and sad. Mike’s having a hard time I’m sure, but at least he’s here, he got the kids to church.

Kayla’s sister, Kris, had died three weeks ago while giving birth to her fourth child; a girl—Lisa. Kris’s husband, Mike, was surviving—barely. Kayla was grieving, of course, but even before that, she’d been feeling down—like her role in life didn’t matter. “I don’t do anything. I’m just a stay-at-home mom, with three girls—and now they’re at school all day and then sports and friends and homework and…I just don’t feel like I make a difference.” She had shared her feelings with her pastor and he recommended she start helping at church—filling in when there was an opening. Well, there was an opening now. A big fat opening—in her heart, and in the class her sister, Kris taught before...

So, here she stood, trying to fill the void—both of them.

Kayla felt a familiar burn and blinked away a tear.

“Aunty Bug.” Lori waved a little hand.

Kayla tilted her head and smiled a sad smile as she nodded at Lori.

“Your eyes are shiny—are you sad?” The other kids just stared with their mouths hanging open.

Kayla rubbed her palms across her eyes and lifted the corners of her mouth. “Let’s pray.” All the kids folded their hands and bowed their heads—Kris had taught them well.

Kayla prayed and launched into the lesson before her mind could wander. “Today our lesson’s about the role of Jesus in our lives.” She explained that Jesus loved them before they were born and how He cared for them when they were sick and carried them when they were weak. She told how He gave all He had; How He was wounded and got big stripes on His back, but never complained—not once. He endured the hurt of it all because he knew in the end—it would bring us life. And then, He went to heaven and someday we’ll meet Him there.

Kayla finally took a breath and realized she’d been talking a mile a minute. Oh Lord, maybe I’m not the right person for this job, please help them me. Kayla cleared her throat and said: “And that’s the role of Jesus… Did it make sense?”

Lori waved both hands, “I know I know...”

“Yes, Lori girl.” Kayla lifted her eyebrows.

“Mommy’s roll is just like Jesus! She loved us before we were born. She let me feel baby Lisa kick her tummy and said; ‘I love you baby Lisa.’ And when I was sick Mommy rubbed my throat with smelly stuff, and gave me soup to make me all better—she cared for me when I was sick, just like you said about Jesus. Right?And when we went to the fair and my feets got tired Mommy carried me, just like you said about Jesus. And when I dropped my cotton candy in the yucky dirt Mommy gave me all she had—just like you said Jesus gave all He had. And Mommy showed me stretch stripes on her belly. She said they were love stripes—just like them stripes you said Jesus got too, huh? And when Mommy’s back and feet hurt cause baby Lisa made her so fat, she never got grumpy—not one itty-bitty time; just like Jesus never did neither, right? And when she was getting bad hurt and had tears, she said them was happy tears ‘cuz a new little life named Lisa was ready to come out and play.”

Lori stopped and stared for a minute letting her heart catch up with her mouth and when it did her bottom lip started to shake. “Just like Jesus..." She took a quick breath and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. "Mommy went to heaven—and someday I’ll meet her there, too...just like Jesus.

Her quivering lips formed into a smile. "Yep, Mommy’s role is just like Jesus.”

Kayla couldn’t see for the tears—except one thing was perfectly clear. Her role as a stay at home mom was the greatest role she could ever ask for—being just like Jesus.

Happy Mothers Day Moms!


  1. Oh my land, sir Doug, I haven't been here in a while. (sorry) But this story, ugh. Is it fiction? Somehow I hope it's fiction, but either way (fiction or not), it's so full of Truth that it brings the same tears.

    Thank you for sharing this piece. It's good to be bumping into one another out here and sharing His promises, aye?


  2. Darlene, thank you for the visit and it made me cry too, even though it flowed from my imagination.

    I appreciate you - Happy Mothers Day

  3. I read this earlier today and then the wireless up here at Susie's wouldn't let my computer send a comment. AAKK!!!! Hopefully, it will work this time.

    LOVED the story. Wasn't sure if it was a family or friend issue or just your heart pouring forth== again. You're good at this "reaching out to hearts and minds and pouring in hope" process. Thanks so much!

  4. Thanks for touching my heart.

  5. Caryjo, I've been having internet issues here too. But glad to see you made it, your visits are always welcome. This story was fiction yet, all too true, I think, about mother's feelings of unworthiness

  6. Denise, Thank you! That means alot as touching one's heart is the reason I write. And you telling me so, has touched mine.

  7. Susan,
    Thank you. Such truth you show with the snap of a shutter. Your photos are beautiful, keep up the good work and thank you for stopping by.

  8. This is so beautiful and sweet, a wonderful tribute to mothers everywhere. Thank you.

  9. Just like Jesus, that is real and not fiction! :-)


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