
Saturday, June 20, 2020

Patriots vs Lenins...FREEDOM WINS


The Facebook post originally depicted a statue of communist leader Lenin, standing in Seattle; while statues of patriots like George Washington were torn down and destroyed. An American flag was set ablaze on top of a toppled memorial.

But, alas, the evidence has been removed, the post taken down, just like the statues; symbols of America's history, freedom and patriotism.

Whereas, the symbols of communism, domestic terrorism and oppression, stand amidst smoke, smoldering ashes, broken glass from livelihoods lost, the stench of death, cries of hate.

This is undeniable evidence beyond the shadow of a doubt that these horrific acts of hatred, of domestic terrorism, have nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with black lives, or any lives, but a foreshadow of the invisible enemy's lust for power, cloaked with a fateful vision for a new world order.

THANKFULLY, OUR STRENGTH doesn't come from statues made of metal, wood, hay and stubble, but our help comes from our Creator who is alive and well and no amount a tyranny can topple.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"


“Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin. The slave does not remain in the house forever; the son remains forever. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed" Jesus.

World's largest cross still stands!

 Liberty still rings!

A foreshadow of things to come:

"Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time.” Revelation 12:12

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