
Saturday, June 6, 2020

Systemic Police Racism; The Great Deception

Media’s new favorite word: “Systemic”
Systemic police racism.
Systemic Police misconduct.
Systemic police corruption.
Systemic police brutality.
They love using systemic police racism and George Floyd in the same sentence.
They claim the health risk of not protesting against systemic racism greatly exceeds the harms of the virus. 
If you want to incite nationwide riots, using that word is brilliant.
Think about it.
Five minutes after George Floyd’s murder, we-the-people were united. We were all in agreement that what we witnessed was evil; cruel; murder.
We stood shoulder to shoulder as one voice condemning the cruel murder we had just witnessed.
One human murdered another. That is what happened. We all agreed.
That unity, that agreement, sent alarms all the way to the gates of hell.
Hold that thought. We’ll come back to it.  
It’s been happening since the first human out of the box killed the second…Cain slew Able.
Also, at least three others were complicit in the crime. They stood and watched without interceding.
Those three are us. U.S. We’ve failed to intercede.
We-the-people have been busy doing life, not making waves, rocking the boat, or getting involved, and have allowed our nation to be hijacked by those who are systemically destroying our nation, for the sake of building their own utopia where they are royalty and the rest of the world is peasants.
The only way for them to do this, is to divide the people.
It’s important to note how human nature is quite predictable. Whatever they accuse others of doing, they themselves are guilty of. I think they call it: “projection.”
I won’t take the time to list them all, but even a casual observer can see that the very things President Trump has been accused of, are the very things the accusers are guilty of. That truth is being exposed more and more each day. It’s obvious for anyone who actually wants to hear. Some don’t. Some won’t.
Our job is to continue to tell the Truth. Save the savable.  
Projection, is why the moment I heard Obama “leak” a statement about the rule of law and people getting off scot-free, I knew we were in trouble. Coming off the golf course long enough to make a statement about General Flynn told us two things. One was that we were so close to exposing his corruption that he got nervous and started to leak like a scared pup. The second thing it told us was what would happen next.
He “leaked” this statement regarding the dismissal of the case against General Flynn: “There is no precedent that anybody can find for someone who has been charged with perjury just getting off scot-free,” he went on to state that our “rule of law is at risk.”
After hearing that, I told my wife: “You just watch, we’re going to have another Ferguson.”
Additionally, it’s interesting that he used the word “perjury” since that wasn’t mentioned or a part of the charges in the Flynn case…until he mentioned it. Then, all of a sudden, judge Sullivan, broke rank and protocol and did not follow the rule of law or the demands of the Department of Justice. His job was to simply file the paper work to close the case. He refused and said he wanted Flynn investigated for “perjury.”
This action was an abandonment of the rule of law, to interrupt the momentum of the case exposing Obamagate.
Currently we’re witnessing a total abandonment of the rule of law as rioters are given free reign to steal, kill and destroy. The media cheers them on and fuels the flame. The police are ordered to stand down—even to the point of abandoning the police station allowing it to be burned to the ground. Mayors and police chiefs are kneeling before domestic terrorists. They are even agreeing with the terrorists call to disband the entire police force. Joe Biden campaign staffers donate to bail the rioters out of jail so they can continue to rape, pillage and burn our nation to the ground.
It's insane to consider disbanding police; unless of course, the goal is to collapse the county.
The personification of evil was witnessed on national television when a random person on the street was told to kneel before them. Others have gone so far as to demand they kiss their feet. 

Remember the devil asked Jesus to do this very thing.

 "the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory.  And he said to Him, “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.”Then Jesus said to him, “Away with you, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.’ ” Matthew 4:8-10 
Don’t they know they’re kissing the feet of demons?

Much of the evils manifest today were imbedded during Obama’s infiltration of the White House. He projected his intentions perfectly when he said: “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”
That was one promise he kept.
Make no mistake domestic terrorists have declared war against America.
They are disguised as protestors against “systemic” police racism. But that’s just a ruse.
Remember earlier, I said, “Hold that thought.” The moment we were united against the real enemy: evil. We were simply people united against evil. We saw an evil man commit murder.
But then, someone hissed. “He’s a cop.”
Another said, “Hey he’s white.”
 And then someone said, “He’s black.”
Then, the media blazed the front page. “Systemic Police Racism Continues White Cop Murders Innocent Black Man.”
They start a fire and pour on the gas.
The word they use is “systemic.” It’s genius. It’s impersonal. Not about an individual; but a system. A system of 700,000 police officers systemically killing you. Blaming a “system” dehumanizes the situation so rioters can feast their lusts to the full on their neighbor’s goods without guilt. They feel it’s justified to kill, steal and destroy. After all, it’s not people, it’s the evil system. It’s not wrong, as a matter of fact, it’s their civic duty to stand against the evil empire that will systemically kill them, if they don’t. They are championed as heroes by the media.  
It’s insanity to be sure. But all it takes is a spark to light an inferno. You see, we all are tinderboxes. We all have hearts of sin, desperately wicked and with the right fuel and friction we can reach our flashpoint and ignite. At that point, all reasoning is gone. We burn out of control.
If only we’d have had the discipline to check out the facts before believing the media’s mantra of “systemic” racism we never would have had riot one. We would’ve mourned with the Floyds. Perhaps we could’ve joined together in prayer against evil and had a unifying moment like we did on 9.12.
 If only we’d have stopped to think. Pray.
9 unarmed black men killed by police
19 unarmed whites killed by police
48 police murdered
7407 blacks murdered by others not police mostly folks they knew (2018)

There are bad people, since Adam reached past Eve for evil.
Be mad at evil. In this case, rogue bad cops.
NOT the system. Not law enforcement. NOT racism.
They are using the word "systemic" to program us into thinking it's the system. To justify rioting, killing, looting. Their minds are corrupt with lucifer's perverted lust for power, thinking if they collapse the country, they will rule and reign.
We're being DECEIVED.
Exposed. The invisible enemy is invisible no more.

“Individuals kill people, not systems” Herman Cain. 

Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God;
and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. 1 John 4:7

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