The following is an actual Religious Exemption we created for my son, Josiah, and his lovely wife, Brittnee. Feel free to use any part of this to assist in creating your own. Credit for much of the content goes to Liberty Council Action, a wonderful resource.
Text from Brittnee:
Dear Allina Health Care,
Don’t’ worry about anything, pray about everything, with
thanksgiving make your requests to God, and the peace of God that passes
understanding, will guard your heart and mind through Christ Jesus (Philippians
I have prayed about how to respond to the COVID shot
directive, in light of my current, marvelous and miraculous pregnancy, and in
light of my pro-life and Christian beliefs.
I believe my body belongs to God and is the temple of His Holy
Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). I believe innocent life is sacred to God, from conception,
to birth, to natural death (Jeremiah 1:5). I believe God’s promise that “if anyone
lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally” (James 1:5).
In this wisdom, and in His peace, I’m writing to request a
medical and religious exemption from Allina Health Care Systems, COVID shot
Very soon my husband and I will be cradling our new
born baby, our son, our precious Elijah. We thank God, for our miracle of life
growing inside me. It wasn’t easy. My husband, Josiah was heart broken when he
went to his dad and cried out, “Dad, why won’t God let us get pregnant?”
We prayed. And prayed. And then through another miracle, a
medical miracle, today, I feel life inside me growing day by day. We love our
little Elijah so much, and haven’t even met him. His room is ready. Elijah
Scott is embroidered in shirts and blankets and wall hangings. Scott is in
honor of Josiah’s step dad who passed away far too soon from cancer.
I love working with Allina, it’s my chosen profession. I get
to see, and help others to see, the miracle of life growing in them. I thank
God for all the medical advances and miracles He has given us. I’m not against
medicine or vaccines. I don’t know any commandment that says, “thou shalt not
get vaccinated.” However, I am unable, in good conscience, to get this vaccine.
It’s not about a commandment, written in stone, it’s about
one, written in flesh, in our heart. Jesus says it like this: “Love the Lord
your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This
is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: You shall
love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:36-40). Love God. Love people.
In light of that commandment of love, I prayed. We prayed.
We didn’t only pray for direction, for wisdom, we prayed for understanding. We
searched and studied as well. God has given us a brain, and expects us to use
Should we get the vaccine?
Priority one: what’s best for our precious little Elijah. Will
the vaccine harm him in any way?
Second priority: What’s best for others. I’m around others
in my job. Should I protect and ‘love my neighbor’ by getting vaccinated?
Will the vaccine harm
my baby? The vaccine hasn’t been around long enough to really tell. However,
it’s been around long enough to kill. I found article after article of
tragedies after taking the vaccine.
- Breastfeeding Baby Dies After Mother Receives Pfizer
- Spontaneous
Miscarriages, Stillbirths Occurring After COVID-19 Vaccination
- Experts Warn of ‘Huge Risk’ as Moderna Launches COVID
Vaccine Trials for Pregnant Women
- Pregnant Women
Should Not Get a COVID Vaccine
How could we obey God’s commandment of love and subject our
precious baby Elijah to such risks?
But those are extremely rare cases.
Perhaps, but not as rare as the chance that one of us will contract
the virus and die. Science has shown that even if we do get it, we have very
near to a 100% chance of survival with no adverse side effects. In doing so, we
may feel sick, for a while. However, by contracting the virus naturally, our
resistance will grow, just as God designed and when we recover, our system will
be, according to science, “far superior” to those who are vaccinated.
That brings us to the question of God’s command of loving others.
Should we get vaccinated to protect, and love, others? Once again, science has
shown that vaccinated people still get and give the virus.
Considering that the unvaccinated, after beating the virus, have a
“far superior” immunity, and the vaccinated have an inferior immunity, we can
reasonably conclude that the vaccinated with weaker immune systems, are more
likely to get and give the virus.
Therefore, walking in love to God, is to walk in faith, knowing that
even if we contract the virus, by His divine design, we will recover and come
out stronger than before. So strong in fact, that we will be less of a risk to
others. Which also accomplishes the command of loving others.
We also discovered something else about this vaccine. Something
more sinister. Something that breaks one of the Commandments written in stone.
The sixth commandment. Thou Shalt Not Murder.
All currently available COVID-19 vaccines used cell lines
originating from aborted children in their manufacturing or testing.
As Christians, we believe life begins at conception and ends at
natural death. The Scriptures reveal that God knows us even before we are conceived.
Jeremiah 1:4-5 states: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you
were born, I set you apart; I appointed you…”
God’s creative powers are at work while we’re still in the womb.
“For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I
praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful;
I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in the
secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes
saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in Your book
before one of them came to be.” (Psalm 139: 13-16).
The Christian Church has condemned abortion. The Didache, a
conduct code of the early Christian community, dated by some as being as early
as 70 AD is in accord with Scripture, stating: “Do not abort a fetus or kill a
child that is born.” Loeb Edition of the Apostolic Fathers (also translated as,
“Thou shalt not murder a child by abortion nor kill that which is begotten.”).
A Plea for Christians, written around AD 177 by Athenagoras,
stated, “We say that those women who use drugs to bring on abortion commit
murder, and will have to give an account to God for the abortion.”
Tertullian, in his Apologeticum, written in 197 AD, wrote:
“Murder being once for all forbidden, we [Christians] may not destroy even the
fetus in the womb, . . .”
Clearly, we believe abortion is murder, and in violation of
God’s sixth commandment.
The COVID vaccines in their current and/or developmental
states have been complicit, with the abortion industry, in the slaughter of
multiplied millions of innocent, beautiful, precious, little Elijahs.
For these reasons, I cannot violate my conscience and sin
against my God and my fellow man by complying with the vaccine mandate.
Therefore, I am respectfully requesting a religious
accommodation, under Title VII and any similar Minnesota state law(s), that
will excuse me from having to receive a COVID-19 vaccine; and further request
that no adverse employment action be taken against me on account of my
religious beliefs.
Thank you for your consideration.
Name________________________ Date___________
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