
Monday, February 14, 2022




 Mt. 24; Mark 13; Luke 21.


Even if you don’t read the Bible, you’ve probably heard the phrase, signs of the times.  

Distress of nations

Sea waves raging

Men’s hearts failing

Wars, rumors of wars

Famines, earthquakes, pestilences

Love cold

Hatred hot

Persecution, imprisonment, murder, of followers of Christ

Many fall away and betray

Deception abounds


Yeah, but Doug, that’s been going on, forever.

True, at least, in some degree. Jesus compared it to birth pains.

Birth pains, start off slow, some are just, Braxton Hicks, “the beginning of birth pains.” But the closer we get to birth, they become closer and quicker and more intense.

Today, by anybody’s measure, we are seeing, an increase in frequency and intensity.

It’s easy to get carried away and think everything means something. So, let’s go beyond just comparing headlines and end times.

I know God speaks. I know He wants us to hear Him. In our study of Revelation on Wednesdays in our clubhouse, we find that Jesus says the same thing in every letter to every church: He who has an ear, let him hear.

So, if God wants us to hear. Let’s listen. Is there more to current events than politics and protests and headlines looking like end times, or, are they really just Braxton Hicks?

With that question as a prayer, I noticed something; which prompted me to write to you.

In the midst of the haystack of headlines, I found a needle, attached to a forty-year thread.

Screenshots of the headlines are copied below, but in summary, this is what I saw:

·         E Africa drought, worse in 40 years

·         Taiwan says tension with China worst it’s been in 40 yrs.

·         US Inflation, worse in 40 years

·         UN Chief warns nuclear annihilation threat highest in 40 yrs.

·         US Navy war games biggest in 40 yrs. WW3 prep due to Russia tensions

·         US Intel Points to Russia Attack 2.16.22 (2+16 + 22 = 40)


I did a little research to see if 40 meant anything. Turns out 40 Represents Trials and Tribulation.

In the Hebrew alphabet the letter Mem = 40.

According to a Jewish website,, mem has two meanings:  

1.    Water.

2.      Mashiach (Messiah). God will send the Messiah to return the Jews to the land of Israel, rebuild the Holy Temple and usher in the utopian Messianic Era.

Someday, the folks at Chabad website will recognize Jesus as the Messiah. But for now, they don’t. So, you won’t see the following, obvious, explanation.

 1.    Water.

In Noah’s flood it rained 40 days and 40 nights. The earth was baptized in water, until an entire generation of wicked hearts, perished under the water. Then, after the water receded, came a rainbow and a promise.

Israel wandered day and night for 40 years. The nation was baptized in the desert, until an entire generation with wicked hearts of unbelief, perished in the wilderness. Then, as the enemy retreated, they came into the Land of Promise.

2.    Mashiach

Mashiach (Messiah) has come. And is coming again. And again. First as Groom. Then as Judge. His name is Jesus.

Jew’s return to Israel happened officially, May 14, 1948. And continues to this day.

Plans and preparation for rebuilding the Holy Temple, are ready and waiting.

Today, Bible Prophecy and Current events, echo one another. Harbingers that the utopian Messianic Era, (the millennial reign of Christ) is just around the bend.  But, first, there will be another baptism, not of water or of wilderness, but of blood. 

Make no mistake, a blood bath is coming. The Bible calls it the Great Tribulation. 

Check out these photos and then if you want to, or need to, I’ll meet you at the end, and we’ll pray.  

Whoever has ears, let them hear.

Are you nervous or scared or just want prayer for some peace? 

You're not alone. I know how you feel.

Let's pray. 

Dear Lord Jesus, you know my heart. I’ve sinned, no doubt about that. But I’ve had lots of doubts about You. Are You real? Do You care? Are You there?

I’m still not sure. But I want to be.

This world is getting weird, and scary. I don’t want to be scared. So, I’m just going to go for it, take a leap of faith and ask You for help. I don’t even know what I need. I just know I need something…or, maybe, Someone.

So, God, will You take me? Forgive me? Help me hear You? And be near You? I don’t want to walk alone, or afraid. 

Oh, and one more thing. I’ve heard about Your peace. I think I could really use some of that, right about now.

Okay, that’s all, I think, for now. But from now on, if You have something to say, I just want to let You know, I’ll be listening.

Thanks God. Amen.  


P.S. It might just be my emotions, or imagination. But God, um, I think I can feel You. Or else, I don’t even know why I’m crying.  Is that Your peace? Your love? Whatever it is, it feels, good. That was fast. Thank you. 

You know what I think? I think, You actually, really do love me. Even after all I’ve done. I don’t know how. But, wow. Just wow.  

Dear God…

I think I love you, too. 

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