The Letter to Ephesus
The Loveless Church
Revelation 2:1-7
Jesus appeared from out of thin air, and John freaked
out, but Jesus calmed him down and then dictated seven letters to seven
To the angel, refers to the pastor.
Each letter opens the same way.
Ephesus was about 65 miles
northeast of the island of Patmos, at the mouth of the Cayster river, near the
shores of the Aegean Sea. It was a major seaport hub, a gateway to Asia; and
had over a quarter million people.
There were about fourteen temples and worship to about
that many mythical gods; including emperor worship to, Julius, Augustus and
It was predominantly known for the temple of Diana (also
referred to as Artemis); one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. It was
bigger than a football field, 425 feet long, 220 feet wide and had 127 pillars,
60’ high. The temple employed around, 1,000 prostitutes, male and female.
The Greek Artemis was goddess of the hunt. However, the Ephesians
customized her a bit to fit their lust and greed, and called her the goddess of
sex and fertility. They often depicted her with multiple eggs, or breasts,
symbolic of fertility.
The worship looked more like gluttonous, drunken, orgies. Once
a year, in the spring, (reportedly Diana’s birthday), Ephesus was Mardi Gras on
steroids…spiked with Viagra.
That is the environment Jesus sent
the first letter to.
The place where John ministered until emperor Domitian
banished him to Patmos. Timothy and Apollos also ministered in Ephesus. It’s
where Paul invested more time than anywhere else—two to three years. It paid
off. The Church grew. Revival flowed. Folks were healed of diseases and delivered
of demons.
And there were lots of folks in need of deliverance. There
were even traveling exorcists. Jewish priests that went around casting out
demons. They saw the success of Paul, (which wasn’t really Paul at all, but the
power of Jesus) and tried to copy him. They’d say to one with an evil spirit: “We
exorcise you by the Jesus whom Paul preaches.”
The seven sons of Sceva, a Jewish priest, tried it but the evil
spirit answered back and said, “Jesus
I know, and Paul I know; but who are you?” (Acts 19:15).
Then the man, in whom the evil spirit was, leaped on them, and
beat them, until they fled from the house naked and wounded.
A reverential fear fell on all of Ephesus; and the name of the
Lord Jesus was magnified.
Many repented and those who had practiced magic brought their
books and burned them. The value totaled fifty thousand pieces of silver; which
is about seven million dollars, today.
This, ticked off the merchants who were making a killing off
of the idol worshippers. Folks were turning to Jesus and no longer buying satanic
books or little idols of dirty Diana.
The merchants spread lies and slander about Paul and his crew, until the whole town filled
with demonic fury. They wanted to blow something up or burn something down,
they just didn’t know why, they only knew who. They seized Paul’s companions
and rushed to the streets shouting BLACK LIVES MATTER!
No wait, wrong time period. Same story. Same evil trying to
silence Truth. Same darkness trying to extinguish Light.
with fury and confusion, and with one accord, they seized Paul’s companions and
ran to the amphitheater shouting, for over two hours, “Great is Diana of the
Ephesians!” (Acts
Today the temples of Julius,
Augustus, Domitian and Diana, have crumbled; are all but forgotten. The town of
Ephesus, no longer exists.
But, a letter,
written by an old man, from prison, has stood the test of time, against all
odds, the
word of the Lord grew mightily and prevailed (Acts 19:20).
The Word of the Lord, endures
forever (1 Peter 1:25)
He who holds the seven stars in
His right hand, who walks in the midst of the seven golden lampstands…
Remember, we previously learned, the stars are pastors,
the lampstands are churches.
Notice, He holds pastors, walks with Churches.
He holds the pastors. He holds them, accountable. They answer
to Him.
Be not
many masters for you shall receive greater condemnation. James
He holds them, in provision, protection and from falling. He
expects us to hold them in prayer.
His right hand…
We extend the right hand of fellowship. Shake right
hands to seal deals. Jesus doesn’t hold Pastors as masters hold slaves. He extends
His right hand of fellowship, as to, co-laborers and joint heirs; working with
Him, not just for Him.
Please don’t think, Jesus holding the pastors in His right
hand, means they are better, or He loves them more. It is simply the necessary
mechanics of a King running a kingdom. He holds them to a standard, so all things
are done decently and in order. But it is not a measure of His love relationship…that
comes next.
walks in the midst of the seven golden
Jesus walks in the midst of the Church. This is
a Word picture of where His heart is. A garden where Love grows. A memory of
His first love, His first family, created in His image, and how He walked
with them and talked with them, in the Garden, in the cool of the day.
He didn’t set Himself, on a lofty perch, untouchable. But walks
and talks in our midst; like a Shepherd with His sheep.
He loves being with us so much, He promises to show up
whenever we do. It doesn’t matter if it’s only two.
One Sunday morning, old McDonald, was the only one who showed.
Just him and the preacher. Just those two. The preacher asked what they ought
to do.
Well, old McDonald, had a farm, and he said, “I reckon, if I
went out to feed my cows, and only one showed up, I’d feed him.”
That’s all the preacher
needed to hear. He fed that farmer. He fed him good. He gave him everything, and didn’t hold
back, not one jot and tittle.
When he was all done, the preacher asked the farmer, “Well,
what’d you think?”
The farmer pulled in a deep breath, and then let it out real
slow as he scanned the empty pews. “Well preacher, I told you I’d feed him, not
make him eat the whole wagon.”
If they were paying attention, perhaps they’d have noticed, Jesus was there, too.
I know…
God knows because He’s omniscient. He knows everything.
But His knowing is more than just head knowledge. He knows, because He cares.
He cares enough to pay attention.
Nothing goes unnoticed; all
things are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do. Hebrews 4:12-15.
I know your works…
Works matter.
Faith without works dead (James
At the end of the age, Jesus will separate the nations, as a Shepherd
separates the sheep from the goats, and they will be judged according to what
they did, and didn’t…do. Matthew
Works matter.
When it came to works, Ephesus nailed it. They walked the
straight and narrow. Didn’t dance with dirty Diana or bend a knee to worship
the emperor. They didn’t cheat on taxes, run stop signs, or break speed limits.
They discerned fake news and called out liars. They labored without growing
Jesus saw their works, knew them, and commended them.
They were the poster child for, Churches R Us magazine.
NEVERTHELESS – Martha, Martha…works
aren’t all that matters.
looks on the outward appearance, but God looks on the heart (1 Samuel 16:7).
Jesus looked beyond their
works, to their heart…and what He saw, pierced His.
He wants more than works. More than a servant, He wants a son.
More than a worker, He wants a wife.
Works can turn into religion. Religion turns into mechanical
orthodoxy. Jesus said by your tradition you make of none-effect the Word of God
(Mark 7:13).
He called out the scribes and pharisees, for their good deeds
and cold hearts; you white-washed sepulchers, on the outside you look clean,
but inside you’re full of dead men’s bones. Hypocrites! Matthew 23:27.
God hates religion. Loves relationship.
Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love. Revelation 2:4.
Who is He talking about? Who is their first Love?
He takes it Personal.
He’s says, I know and appreciate what you’re doing for Me; but
I don’t want or need your stuff, your deeds. Don’t you see, I love you? I want
you, to love Me too. I want your heart.
Children know how exactly how Jesus feels. They’d rather have
a parent play with them, than just buy stuff for them; they long for a parent’s
love that pays attention, not just tuition.
The spouse with the big fancy house, understands. They’d give
up all the diamond rings and things, if only they could regain the love, they had
at first, on their wedding day.
God has feelings, too. Listen how He talks, you’ll see.
2:13 …she went after her lovers, but ME she
9:4, Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting ME
John 15:13, Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life
for his friends.
God didn’t just love, He soooooo loved; that
He gave, not just stuff, but His very Self.
left first love…
The word “left” in the original text is: ἀφίημι; aphiémi,
(af-ee'-ay-mee). It is also translated as, abandoned, or, forsaken, depending
on which Bible translation you read.
In 1
Corinthians 7:11-12 it’s translated as divorce.
Jesus is saying, you have left, abandoned, forsaken, divorced, your
first love; Me.
Left NOT lost.
This is an important and powerful passage that may send some
of your theology sideways.
But it can’t be ignored because various doctrines have
fallen in the ditch on both sides of the road.
One doctrine says you can lose your salvation at the drop of a
hat. The other says you can never lose it, no matter what.
With one doctrine you walk on eggshells, never knowing for
sure if you’ll make it to heaven. It feeds on fear that you may fall from grace,
and land in hell. There is no blessed assurance of salvation.
If you swing a hammer and smash your thumb and a bad word
comes out, and in the very next blink, the trumpet blows…
Oops. I lost my salvation and now I’ll spend eternity
in hell.
That idea flies contrary to the love of God, that wants all to
be saved, and none to perish (2
Peter 3:9).
I will
never leave you or forsake you Deuteronomy 31:6.
loving God is an ever-present help in time of need Psalm 46:1.
Jesus is completely committed to the relationship. Are you?
Perhaps as an overcorrection, another doctrine claims, once
saved always saved. Once a child of God, always a child. You cannot lose
your salvation no matter what. Ever. Period. Even if you want to. Even if you live
like the devil. If you were saved once, you’re going to heaven. Period.
This overdose of grace, allows folks to live in sin, yet assures
them they’re saved. This dangerous idea is why many will call Jesus, “Lord,
Lord…” and yet, He will turn to them and say, “Depart from Me, I never knew
you.” Matthew 7:21-23.
Now, to be clear, this doctrine does not condone sin, it
simply states, if you return to a sinful lifestyle, you were never saved in the
first place. Which removes free will. Removes choice.
God has always allowed free will; from Adam in the garden, to
you and me, here and now. Lucifer had free will, before he was ever the devil. He
was drawn away by his own desires and enticed. Which is the same way we’re
tempted today:
But each one is tempted when he is
drawn away by his own desires and enticed. James 1:14.
Any relationship based on love must have
free will built into it. Or, it is not love at all.
God wants reciprocal love, not forced or coerced.
The same free will we have to respond to His love, is the same
free will we have to walk away from His love. Anyone can willfully reject,
deny, walk away from, leave, forsake, abandon, divorce, Him.
No one will be dragged to heaven against their will, kicking
and screaming.
Remember therefore from where you have fallen;
repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove
your lampstand from its place—unless you repent. Revelation 2:5.
Repent or the church (lampstand) will
be removed.
Today, Ephesus, is but a pile of rubble.
Fenis Jennings Dake (Dake Bible) states of Ephesus:
“The site
of the city is now covered with ruins and the residence of a miserable Turkish
village without a Christian, fulfilling Revelation 2:5”
Whoever has an ear, hear what the Spirit says to the Church.
Due to the invisible enemy (sin) the whole world echoed the
words, “wash your hands” (Bible speak for REPENT). Churches (lampstands) shut
down worldwide (quarantines, social distancing and government mandates). Many never
reopened (removed).
But this you have, that you hate the
deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate. Revelation 2:6.
Nicolaitans, from: Nikao Laos.
Nikao: to conquer (nike: victory). Laos: laity. Conquer the laity.
God hates that. All men are created equal. In
the image of God created He him; male and female created He them.
He hates the arrogance of man, making one a slave, the other a
master. Despises the priest’s pride, lifting himself as mediator between God
and man.
there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus,1
Timothy 2:5.
The Nicolaitans may stem back to a waiter named Nick.
Do you remember Nicolas from Antioch, a convert to Judaism (Acts 6:5) ? He was chosen as one of the seven to “wait
tables.” The Church was growing so fast, they needed help with the practical needs
of the ministry; distributing food to widows.
They chose seven men, full of the Spirit and wisdom. Nick was
in the list. He was listed, last. (Just like Judas was always listed last). One
school of thought states that Nick fell away and gathered to himself a
following, the Nicolaitans. Perhaps he was bitter for being chosen to serve,
rather than be served; thus, the seed of iniquity grew into something the Lord hates.
Conquering, the laity.
help us guard our heart, be humble, happy, and honored to serve; following Your
example, as One who came not
to be served, but to serve.
He who has an ear, let him hear what the
Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes I will give to eat from the
tree of life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God. Revelation 2:7.
There was a reason Jesus included, first love and tree
of life, in the same letter. I just didn’t know what it was.
Googled for an answer. Found none. Prayed for an answer (should've done that, first). What
came immediately, was so clear, it might have been audibly.
“Look at
it from My perspective.”
It was nearly six thousand years ago, but for Him, it was just
like yesterday.
That day, it all went sideways. The day His first love, of all
creation, walked away.
He gave them everything. Paradise. The Universe. He walked
with them and talked with them. His very essence filled them, radiated from
them, clothed them.
Everything belonged to them. Nothing was withheld…except one. Stay away from that. It reveals want you don’t
want to see, does what you don’t want done. You can have it all, just not that
They had all of Him. And all that He had made. And it was all,
very good. Yet…He wasn’t enough. They weren’t satisfied with all He’d
They left Him.
His very first, created in His image, actually,
willingly, left Him, for the poison of a stranger.
So, in His mercy and in His justice, He handed them a new
wardrobe, and an eviction notice. As He watched them walk away, it doesn’t say,
but I’m pretty sure, God cried that day.
They would never experience the grand plan, He had for them. Eating
from the Tree of Life, living and abiding with Him, in Paradise, forever and
But He wasn’t’ done. He didn’t give up or throw in the towel.
He had a plan. It’d take another week, (but this time, that meant six thousand
years). He’d make a way back to His children. He’d build a bridge in the shape
of an old rugged cross. He’d rip the veil of separation, from the top to the
bottom. He’d redeem the lost, restore the years and bind the thief that stole
them. Then, once again, He’d renew the land and stretch out His hand, and say, “Let’s
take a bite from the Tree of Life, and a walk, through the Paradise of God,
By the way, the word Paradise, in its Hebrew form, is
the same word used to describe the Garden of Eden.
Oh, and one more thing, you'll be happy to know. When we get
to heaven:
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