
Monday, January 2, 2023

The secret weapon to winning: WORSHIP, Joshua 8:30-35


 Now Joshua built an altar to the Lord God of Israel in Mount Ebal, as Moses the servant of the Lord had commanded…  Joshua 8:30-31a

Building an altar to the Lord sounds good.  

But Mount Ebal?

Why way up there?

That’s about twenty-five miles north of where they were just at, in Ai. It’s even further from their camp at Gilgal; and even further still from their next campaign in Gibeon.  

That’s a long walk and a lot of work.

They went for one reason, with one goal.


This kind of worship involves more than just posting a smiley face and praying hands in the comment section of a post.  

Imagine walking, with women and children and livestock, about twenty-five miles north. Then, after a day or so of intense worship activity, walk back.

This was a multiple day event, at minimum.

They may’ve been tempted to stay home and enjoy the spoils of Ai.

Afterall, they gave God the firstfruits, from Jericho, (except for what Achan stole—but they don’t even want to think about that). They’ve just had three back-to-back battles. Won two, lost one; and three dozen of their soldiers are dead.  

Not to mention, the break up and make up with God. That was so stressful, Joshua lost it, and actually tried to throw God under the bus.

They just might be, plumb tuckered out.

Can we relate?

Old year’s out. New year’s in. It’s been tough. Don’t we deserve a little me-time? Rest and relaxation to play with Christmas toys. Eat dessert, first; ice cream and another slice of pecan pie. Play cards, bingo, cornhole, golf, bocci, karaoke. Sleep in, stay home, sit on the couch all day, eat leftovers, and watch football…

No time, or energy, for all that God stuff. Prayer, Bible study, Church? Listen online, while walking, biking…napping. God knows our heart.

They could’ve done that.

They didn’t.

Their greatest victory wasn't conquering, Jordan, Jericho or Ai...but themselves.

We resemble what we worship.

When folks look at us, what do they see? Our favorite, sports team, politician, singer…or, does the love of Jesus radiate from our face?  

When we open our mouth, what falls out? Our last doctor’s report, best eating place, our newest acquisition, pictures of our kids …or, praises to God, for what He has done?  

Evidence of victory is the ability to retreat, from the war with the world, to intentionally worship the Lord.


Worship takes work, but not just any old work will do. God, gave specific instructions about the when, the where and the way, to acceptable worship. Deuteronomy 27:1-8.

Joshua and crew, follow through, on this directive in, Joshua 8:30-35.

It was no small task, it wasn’t easy, but it’s why they won...and we, can too.

Let the words of our mouth and the meditation of our heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, our Strength, our Redeemer. Psalm 19:14.



Moses relays God’s message that when they cross the Jordan into the Promise Land, they are to go to Mount Ebal, build an altar, set up stones and white wash them with lime, and write on them, the blessings of obedience, and curses of disobedience.  Deuteronomy 27:2-4.

In heaven, (our final Promise Land) we’ll worship with the purest of hearts. However, we’re not supposed to wait until then; here and now, we can, and should, and must begin.

However, the when, is subject to one thing.

Acceptable, winning worship, is only available to those in the Promise Land; those who’ve made Jesus Christ, Lord of their life.

Once we do that, then, the when, is now. Jesus puts it like this:

But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” John 4:23-24.


Now is, the time dear friend, to wield the secret weapon to winning: worship. Really worship the Lord. It’s not about singing. It’s not about what happens before the preaching. It’s not about doing good stuff or being nice or saying a special prayer.  

The Father is seeking such to worship Him. The humble heart bowed before it’s Maker, whispering earnestly with every fiber of its being, with every breath:

Let the words of our mouth and the meditation of our heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, our Strength, our Redeemer. Psalm 19:14

NEXT: Lord willing we'll look at the where and the way, of worship. 

Remember, we love you & look forward to worshipping with you, forever. 

Most importantly, Jesus is seeking for you, to. 

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