Word is a lamp unto my feet, a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105.
by step.
a 3,400-year-old puzzle which pictures a treasure map to the Promise Land. In
the book of Joshua, God lays, in exacting detail, each piece in place; tribe by
tribe, border by border, family, city.
by step.
we talked about how Jesus, our Divine Example, followed this Divine pattern. He
said and did nothing, except that which was instructed by His
His Passion and Mission, is Driven by Divine Eternal Purpose. Step by step, He stayed within the boundaries set for
Him. Who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to
be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the
form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And
being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself
and became obedient to the point of death, even the death
of the cross. Philippians 2:6-8.
Multiple times Jesus said, He only did, He
only said, what He saw and heard from His Father. He willingly, obediently,
restricted Himself to the borders of man, and there, inside His Divine Eternal
Purpose, nothing was impossible for Him.
We also have a Divine Eternal Purpose. The
verse we just quoted about Jesus, “coming in the likeness of men” begins by saying: Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 2:5.
So therefore…
Our Passion and Mission should be as His,
driven by Divine Eternal Internal Purpose.
Step by step.
There, in that place, within those borders,
nothing is impossible.
Today in Joshua 21, we lay one of the last
pieces of the treasure map in place.
Lord willing, we will walk through all of
chapter 21. It’s only…45 verses.
Here the rest of the 48 cities are given by
lot to the tribe of Levi; the Levites, God’s ministers.
A little background.
Like a good leader, Joshua
was last to receive his inheritance at the end of chapter nineteen.
As, Israel transitioned from dropping
giants, to toppling trees for houses, fences, plowing fields and planting
seeds. Rather than swinging swords, they were swinging axes…
ax-idents happen.
So, to prevent innocent bloodshed, God
opened chapter twenty by telling Joshua to set up six
cities of refuge; (sanctuary cities for folks who accidentally slay someone).
There we learn about
slayers and avengers of blood. Those cities were Levitical
cities. They belonged to the Levites.
God got the ball rolling by reminding
Joshua to set up the cities of refuge, but that wasn’t nearly enough for all
the lonely Levites who were still sitting there with no place to call their
own. According to Numbers 26:62 there were 23,000 Levites.
Which brings us to chapter twenty-one.
Joshua 21:1 Then the heads of the
fathers’ houses of the Levites came near to Eleazar the priest,
to Joshua the son of Nun, and to the heads of the fathers’
houses of the tribes of the children of Israel.
The Levites, are those God chose to carry out the
responsibilities of the tabernacle. They were not given a land allotment like
the others. Their inheritance wasn’t land, but the Lord of the land. They can
be considered a type and shadow of those called to full-time ministry.
This applies to us too. 1 Peter 2:9 calls us “a
chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people,
that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness
into His marvelous light”
They were last, so too
are we, in these last days.
All scripture is by
inspiration of God, and everything written in times past, is for our
instruction, endurance and edification. Romans 15:4, 2 Timothy 3:16
The Levites had a meeting with the leaders of the
other tribes of Israel, and Eleazor the priest, and Joshua the son of Nun
Notice that even though they’re God’s ministers, they followed
protocol and respected the chain of command.
God’s ministers are called to serve, not
be served.
We are all ministers.
Thus, it’s appropriate, they were last. Last, but certainly
not least. Jesus said, the last shall be first, and the first shall be last.
Matthew 20:16.
The Levites were last, however, they lived off the first
fruits of the others.
And they spoke to them at Shiloh in the land of Canaan, saying, “The Lord
commanded through Moses to give us cities to dwell in, with their common-lands
for our livestock.”
Shiloh, is the new
headquarters, of the tabernacle, where the presence of God dwells. The
tabernacle will stay in Shiloh for over three hundred years.
The common-lands, are a five-hundred-yard perimeter
around the city for livestock and growing food for themselves—not for profit. They
didn’t have grocery stores or Instacart or Amazon or pizza delivery.
Notice what they did. Assembled. Remembered.
Requested, using the Word of the Lord.
They assembled at Shiloh. Forsake not the
assembling together... Hebrews 10:25.
The Levites remembered the Word of God as it related
to them. Bless the Lord, O’ my soul, and forget not His benefits…Psalm 103.
They let their request be made known. …let your requests be made known unto God…
Philippians 4:6-7.
It wasn’t just handed to them on a silver platter,
while they did nothing.
So the children of Israel gave to the Levites from their inheritance, at
the commandment of the Lord, these cities and their common-lands:
In God’s economy, there’s always more than enough.
America and Israel, have most closely adapted God’s system
of governance, and have of most nations experienced His abundance. Yet, we’ve
both fallen far short, and have turned from the wisdom of His ways. We’re
suffering the severe consequence of such foolishness.
Now the lot came out for the families of…
Forty-eight cities, Divinely selected by lot, strategically
spread, to saturate the entire nation with God’s ministers. These include the
six cities of refuge.
God has done the same with His Church today. Not necessarily as in stained glass and steeple, but His Church—His people (
Please know, that where you live, and work, and play,
is by Divine orchestration, so He can influence His world, through your Divine
Eternal Purpose.
Here’s a map of their locations. We won't read all the
details from verses 5-42.
You’re welcome.
But know they are important enough to God to include
in the Bible. Just as the details of your life are so important to God, He even
knows the number of hairs on your head. YOU are important, very important, to
Drop to verse 43.
So the Lord gave to Israel all the land of which He had sworn
to give to their fathers, and they took possession of it and dwelt in
it. 44 The Lord gave them rest all around,
according to all that He had sworn to their fathers. And not a man of
all their enemies stood against them; the Lord delivered all
their enemies into their hand.
The Lord is a Giver.
God is a Giver. Religion takes. satan takes, steals,
kills, destroys.
God gives.
For God so loved the world that He gave…
We see here, He gave, possessions, rest
and victory.
The Lord gave… land
The earth is the Lord’s and the fulness
thereof. Psalm 24:1.
Seek first the Kingdom of God and His
righteousness, and all these other things will be added unto you. Matthew 6:33.
My God shall supply all your needs
according to His riches in glory. Philippians 4:19.
The Lord gave them rest all around…
Come unto Me all who labor and are heavy
laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28.
The Lord delivered all their enemies…
In all these things we are more than
conquerors. Romans 8:37.
Not a word failed of any good thing which the
Lord had spoken to the house of Israel. All came to pass. Joshua 21:45.
The Lord is a Promise Keeper.
Heaven and earth shall pass away, but not
one jot or tittle of God’s word. Matthew 5:18.
He has given exceeding great and precious
promises. 2 Peter 1:3-4.
Man shall not live by bread alone but by
every Word… Matthew 4:4
The Word will not return void but will
prosper… Isaiah 55:11
No enemy could stand. Not a Word
failed, of all they took and dwelt within. God is faithful.
Hallelujah. Amen.
If only we could take a snapshot of
that verse and end with, “and they all lived happily ever after.”
Only problem with that is, the Bible
is not a fairy tale. And we’re called to examine the whole counsel of
the Word of God. We know from what we’ve been told previously in Joshua, that
alas, there’s more to the picture. We know, that although God was, and is,
faithful to every jot and tittle of His Word, we aren’t. Israel wasn’t.
God gave victory for the battles they
fought, not the ones they didn’t. Thus, the battles they didn’t fight, were by
default, lost.
They left giants in the land. They
compromised. They didn’t utterly destroy and drive out all the inhabitants of
the land, as they were commanded by God to do. They failed to completely cleanse
the land. Like leaving some of the cancer, some of the infection. It may be in
remission, the land at the moment is at rest; but alas, it will come back with
a vengeance and kill, steal and destroy. A little leaven, leavens, the whole.
1 Corinthians 5:6, Galatians 5:9.
The commission from God is no
To receive their inheritance, they had to take
possession, and dwell, in the land.
So too, must we.
For you, God has a life, a future, an eternity, of
abundant blessing above and beyond all we could ever ask or think. A Promise
Land. A Paradise. However, in Revelation, Jesus only offers heaven to overcomers.
Salvation is a free Gift, given by grace. However, receiving
it is more than a one-time, “I do” at an altar, but an ongoing commitment, to
dwell, for all of this life and the next. Forever. It’s a sacred vow stronger and longer than
that of a wedding, which only lasts until death do us part.
He requires what He gave. Life. We must die to
ourselves, daily, so He can live in and through us continually. Romans 12:1-2.
An insurance policy against going to hell, is of no
avail come judgement day. Matthew 7:21.
A belief that goes no further than head knowledge is
useless—the devils believe more than that and tremble. James 2:19.
God has a Divinely allotted Promise Land a specific
arena for you to reach certain people and meet select needs. He will provide
the means, the power and grace to fulfill His will. In these areas, nothing
will be impossible. Because it is there, in that place, it is Him, working
through you.
However, outside the borders of His Divine Eternal
Purpose, we’re tossed like a rudderless ship in the wind. James 1:5-8.
Let’s pray.
Lord, here and now, we make a vow, to
commit to You, without compromise, forever. Please help us see the borders You’ve
allotted for us, and help us to hear Your Voice and follow. We want our passion
and mission to be in hot pursuit of Your Divine Eternal Purpose. Help us to leave
it all on the field, to be able to say, we fought a Good fight, we finished our
course, and most of all, that we know for sure and certain, that at the end of
the day, we’ll hear You say, “Well done.”
We love You, forever.
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