Genesis didn’t start as a book with fifty chapters, but with eleven scrolls.
The first was a Prologue or
Introduction, the following ten scrolls all started with the Hebrew words, elleh
toledoth, which means: these are the generations of… or, history
of… or, something similar. When you see a phrase like that in your Bible,
you’ll know it’s the start of a new scroll.
This is the beginning of the 3rd
scroll, and the planting of a new seed.
Before this, in the
beginning, it was good, very good; a perfect paradise in which God planted
a couple of trees. One an opportunity for obedience, and the other—for life.
For the same reason boys blow
rent on booze and beauties, they chose the forbidden tree.
Death ensued; and the tree of
life was off limits.
The earth was quickly returning
to its former condition, of darkness, without form and void.
But God’s no quitter.
He planted another tree—this
time one made of flesh.
It began with a seed named Seth
and spread through Noah, Abraham, Jacob and Judah, until eventually sprouting
from the womb of a virgin named Mary.
The Seed, blossomed on a cross
shaped tree—the tree of Life, now no longer off limits.
Genesis 5; the story of where
this new tree began.
This is the book of the
genealogy of Adam. In the day that God created man, He made him in the likeness
of God. Genesis 5:1
Now, when folks hear the word “genealogy,”
they think, “boring-begots.” But before you go to where Cain met his wife (the
land of Nod), I must tell you there’s a hidden treasure within the begots
and if you nod-off, you may miss it.
This is the book of the
genealogy of Adam,
The fact that records are kept
and a scroll is written this soon after creation tells us man was created with
intelligence, by Intelligent Design, NOT, from goo to you by way of the zoo.
In the day that God created man.
The day created,
not the billion years evolved.
He made him in the likeness of God.
And from him,
(Adam) stemmed all of us. Everyone. That one you called a jerk this morning while
driving—image of God. The one who looks and talks differently than you—likeness
of The Creator. The guy under the bridge who hasn’t had a bath in a month
and a half and smells of sweat and whiskey—yep, him too. And for sure,
the one who looks at you in the mirror.
The value of a thing is
determined by where it comes from, and ultimately by what someone is willing to
pay for it.
You come from God. And the highest price ever
paid for anything, ever, has already been paid, for you.
The cost of God’s only begotten
For God so loved the world that
He gave His only begotten Son… John 3:16.
The begots may be boring
to some…but to God, they’re powerful, precious, priceless.
2 He created them male and female, and
blessed them and called them Mankind in the day they were created.
In these first two verses we see the word, created, three times; fourteen times so far since Genesis 1:1; In the beginning God created…
The Holy Spirit is laying a Rock Solid, undeniable, foundation with no ambiguity, that God is the Creator and there is no other beside Him. No wiggle room for evolution. None. He who knows all things, knew that one day there’d be a divisive demonic delusion written by a guy named, Darwin; which would trigger the world to try and rewrite HIStory, to fit so-called-science. 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12. 1 Timothy 6:20.
There's more. He is not only
Almighty Creator; but also, LORD.
He who makes no mistakes
created them male and female; two genders. No others.
Erasing absolutes is a cruel
deception; from creation to identity.
Friend, God sees you.
The marvelous creation He created you to be. Not who
you’ve become—inside or out. Not, who the world says you are. Not
even who you think you are… but who He made you to be. Fearfully and
wonderfully, only one in the universe from creation to today, you are
one of a kind, YOU-nique. He made you, blessed. His image,
His Divine Design, His powerful purpose and potential, resides in you. That
is who He sees. You. And. He. Loves. You.
No, it’s not too late. Galatians 3:28-29.
3 And Adam lived one hundred and thirty
years, and begot a son in his own likeness, after his image, and named him
Seth. 4 After he begot Seth, the days of Adam were eight hundred
years; and he had sons and daughters. 5 So all the days that Adam
lived were nine hundred and thirty years; and he died. Genesis 5:3-5.
Remember, in the beginning Adam
was created in God’s image, however now we see Seth begot in Adam’s
likeness and image.
Seth still has God’s likeness
and image; however, it’s tainted through the sin nature of Adam. Likewise,
thanks to Adam, we all have that sin-gene in our spiritual DNA.
Thus begins, the beget
repetition. From here to the end of the chapter we read the same information, over and over, for
ten generations; from Adam to Noah. This causes many to head to the land of
However, today you won’t go
there, you won’t even get bored. Because you’re going to help decipher a code,
and uncover a hidden treasure.
Are you ready?
Now first, to be clear, God is
never boring. He has a purpose for writing the begets the way He does.
Let’s look at the purpose, and
then, uncover the hidden treasure.
1. NAME: The name is given as
documentation that these are actual historic figures. This is no fairy
2. AGE: The age of the father when
the seed-son is born, reveals there are no gaps in the genealogy; confirming
accuracy of creation timeline and discrediting evolutionists. NOTE: “seed-son”
is the son in the lineage of the Seed, Jesus Christ.
3. OTHER sons and daughters: This
explains how the earth was populated; where Cain found his wife and why he
feared vigilantism after his curse.
The Genesis Record, by Henry
Morris proposes a population of around 120,000, by the time Cain went looking
for a wife. Using *Archbishop James Ussher’s chronology, Morris
projects a population of around 7 billion by the time of Noah’s flood,
(about 1656 years after creation).
We find that very interesting
because today our population hovers around that same 7 billion. AND
Jesus said: As it was in
the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. Matthew 24:37.
Archbishop James Ussher was a highly educated and well-respected historian. He
wrote a 1,600 page book covering the history of the world, from creation (Oct.
23rd, 4004 BC according to Ussher) to 70 AD. It was originally published in Latin
in 1650, and later in English entitled The Annals of the World, in 1658; two
years after his death. His findings were widely accepted, even footnoted
in the Authorized King James Version of the Bible. However, in the mid-1800s,
after Darwin’s demonic deception, many rejected Ussher’s chronology and thus
tried to reinterpret God’s genealogy as written.
4. LONG LIFESPAN: The age at the death of the father is
given to compliment the chronology and ability for a rapid population
explosion. It also provides a window
into the antediluvian (preflood) world.
Now many will ask: Why did
folks live for several hundred years?
There are multiple theories.
Two things we know for sure.
1. God is telling the Truth.
The years written are actual years, not symbolic of months or something else,
as some will say.
2. None of us, were there. So,
we don’t really know for sure why or how they lived that long, except to know
that it was by God’s Divine design and purpose.
Following are a few possible reasons for their longevity.
I. Canopy Theory. Water canopy surrounded the earth, providing a protective greenhouse type environment conducive to longevity of life.
II. Early stage of sin-cancer. The corruption of sin and death was still in the early stages of HIStory.
III. Headwater of gene-pool. Humanity was at the strongest and purest position biologically.
Okay, we have two more reasons
for the repetition, and then we’ll uncover the treasure.
5. HE DIED: Repeatedly we read, “and he
died.” This confirms the consequence of the curse spread to everyone. Every
single name in the begots, died.
Well, except one. Which brings
us to the final purpose for the repetition.
6. REPETITION: Memorization & deviation. Back then
Scripture was read out loud and often. Many couldn’t read and the repetition
helped memorization. The deviation, (a break in the repetition) helped
spotlight the change so it could be noted and memorized as well.
Now, finally, the moment you’ve
all been waiting for. The moment you’ve been fighting nodding off for. The
uncovering of the hidden treasure.
Drum roll please.
As we read through the rest of
Genesis 5, we will make note of the definition of each of the names and when
we’re through, we’ll read them in chronological order, as written, and discover
a treasure hidden for you—not from you.
Message in the meaning of the names.
Genesis 5:3-5. Adam: man
Genesis 5:6-8. Seth: appointed
Genesis 5:9-11. Enosh: mortal, frail
Genesis 5:12-14. Kenan: sorrow, dirge (Alternate spelling: Cainan, Qenan).
Genesis 5:15-17. Mahalalel: mahalal; blessed, praise;
El; God.
Genesis 5:18-20. Jared: jeweler-no just kidding. Jared means: to come down
Genesis 5:21-24. Enoch: teaching, training. Notice a break in the repetition. Enoch
didn’t die. He walked with God, and then, “he was not, for God took
(raptured) him.” Follow Enoch’s footsteps so, breathing your last, or
trumpet blast, your walk with Him will never end.
Methuselah: meth; death; uselah;
to bring, send forth. (RIDDLE:
Methuselah was the oldest man who ever lived. So then, how is it that he died
before dad?)
Lamech: despairing
Noah: to bring rest, comfort
Now put them all together in
Man is appointed to mortal sorrow; but the Blessed God shall come
down teaching. His death shall bring the despairing rest and comfort
Let’s pray.
LORD, thank You for revealing
the treasure of Your Word. Help us hide Your Word in our hearts, so we won’t
sin against You.
Thank You for the begots
we read today. As You remembered their names, and wrote them in Your Book,
thank You for remembering our names and writing them in Your Book of Life.
Help us to follow Your pattern
and be busy about begetting, for Your Kingdom; walking with You, as Enoch.
We love You, forever.
Prayer Requests:
Text: 612-554-2522
Watch online:
Youtube: The Begots, Genesis 5
Further reading: Our Books
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