8 Now
Cain talked with Abel his brother; and it came to pass, when they
were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother and killed
The first few words are good. God talked to Cain, (Genesis 4:7) then, Cain talked to his brother. Jesus taught if we have ought against someone,
we should go to them, sort it out, reconcile.
Is that what Cain did? Did he heed God’s Word of
advice, and allow it to grow into God pleasing, lifesaving, faith? (God’s Word is
Seed that grows into faith. Romans 10:17).
Greek translations read that Cain talked with his
brother and said, “let us go to the field.”
And then, Cain had a choice. Submit to God, resist the
devil, or submit to the devil and resist God. James 4:7. The same choice we
have day after day, when temptation comes slithering like a serpent, looking
for an opportunity to strike our Achilles heel. James 1:13-15.
Alas, Cain killed Abel, his brother. The first child
ever born murdered the second.
Why did Cain kill his brother? He walked in the way of
Cain, (Jude 11) not in the Way of Love (1 John 3:11-12).
9 Then
the Lord said to Cain, “Where is Abel your brother?”
He said, “I do not
know. Am I my brother’s keeper?”
Of course, God knew, but His mercy allowed an opening
for repentance.
Cain refused the offer. Not only refused but lied to
the One who knows everything. Showing the stupidity and blindness of sin.
And then he piled disrespect upon his lie, “Am I my
brother’s keeper?” Exposing how selfish and seditious sin really is.
10 And
He said, “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood cries out
to Me from the ground.
Blood speaks. It has a hotline to Heaven.
If the blood of one brother got God’s attention. What
does the blood of 65-70 million babies sound like? Or, the blood of sex trafficked
children, continuing to bleed day after day, growing by 2 million a year? How about the bloody filthy hands of some 80 million voters who cast ballots toward those who promote atrocities against the innocent?
Jesus tells us it’s better if a millstone were bound
to their neck and they were cast into the sea, than that they should touch,
harm, snare, one of the little ones. Luke 17:2.
The DLT (Doug’s Literal Translation) says it like
Capital punishment is too soft a sentence for child
abusers, sex traffickers, and abortionists.
It’s written over 2,000 years later, but Numbers 35:33, says that blood defiles the land, and it can only be cleansed by the blood of him who shed it.
11 So
now you are cursed from the earth, which has opened its mouth to
receive your brother’s blood from your hand.
So now.
Immediate Judgement, a speedy trial; this is good. So now, the Supreme Judge
drops the gavel to pronounce judgement on the very first murder of mankind.
12 When
you till the ground, it shall no longer yield its strength to you. A fugitive
and a vagabond you shall be on the earth.”
What? YOU'RE FIRED. That’s it? You were a farmer, now,
you’re a gypsy. You’ve lost your green thumb.
Dear God, doesn’t that seem a bit light? What about
blood defiling the land? What about when Noah gets off the ark, You’ll say that
whoever sheds man’s blood, by man, his blood shall be shed. Genesis 6:9.
Abel’s blood cries out, but the blood of Christ speaks
of better things. Hebrews 12:24. Abel’s blood speaks of vengeance. The blood of
Jesus speaks of mercy, forgiveness and reconciliation.
Make no mistake. God is not a liberal judge light on
crime. He will not wink at sin. But, mercy triumphs over judgement. James 2:13.
God majors in mercy.
At this foundational moment, it may be that God wanted
to set a precedent of mercy rather than vigilante justice for the rest of HIStory.
So, Cain committed a capital offense, and got off with
a misdemeanor; he should’ve been ecstatic.
13 And
Cain said to the Lord, “My punishment is greater than I can
bear! 14 Surely You have driven me out this day from the
face of the ground; I shall be hidden from Your face; I shall be a
fugitive and a vagabond on the earth, and it will happen that anyone
who finds me will kill me.”
Cain thinks the punishment is too much because now, someone will treat him like he treated his brother.
Now all of a sudden, the golden
boy wants the whole world to obey the golden rule. (Do unto others, as you would
have them do unto you. Luke 6:31).
Sin is selfish and stupid.
He pleads for a plea bargain. Not because he's sorry
for his sin, but sorry for himself.
Godly sorrow sides with God, against oneself. Cain did
nothing like this.
15 And
the Lord said to him, “Therefore, whoever kills Cain, vengeance
shall be taken on him sevenfold.” And the Lord set a mark
on Cain, lest anyone finding him should kill him.
The Lord, once again, extends mercy on Cain.
Again, setting a precedent for mercy, not vigilante
What was Cain’s mark?
We don’t know. Some say they know. They don’t. It was
an identifying mark to warn others not to kill him or face a sevenfold
judgement from God.
Like a BEWARE OF DOG sign; only this was BEWARE OF
The Family of Cain
16 Then
Cain went out from the presence of the Lord and dwelt in
the land of Nod on the east of Eden.
Out from the Presence of the LORD,
indicates he left God, never to return never to repent, forever wandering in
sin. Nod: Hebrew root of verb, "to wander".
(Some wander to the land of nod, while I'm preaching.)
17 And
Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch. And he built a
city, and called the name of the city after the name of his son—Enoch.
Where did Cain get his wife?
Genesis 5:4 says Adam had other sons and daughters. He
lived to 930 years. We’re not sure if it's factual, but Jewish tradition says
Adam had 33 sons, and 23 daughters.
Cain’s wife was either his sister, or niece.
Genesis 4:18-23.
After this, the line of Cain is listed rapidly; reflecting the speed in which mankind progressed in population and civilization. Contrary to evolutionists' nonsensical theory that man evolved slowly over millions of years.
God created man with creativity and intelligence and ingenuity.
Their focus was on man, not God. The names reflect,
pleasure, beauty, loveliness, the bold and beautiful, lifestyles of the rich
and the famous. Worship of man, not God.
About six generations from Cain, Lamech is born; the
first polygamist. He brags to his two wives about killing a man. And then ignorantly
and arrogantly thinks he has the authority to pronounce judgement for himself, seventy-sevenfold
the one God pronounced on Cain.
24 If
Cain shall be avenged sevenfold,
Then Lamech seventy-sevenfold.”
In all their boasting and progress and pleasure, this
is the last we ever hear of Cain and his lineage.
But Adam knew his wife again. Seth was born. The seed, that leads to the Seed, to crush the serpent’s head, reverse the curse,
and make a Way, for you and I to be adopted into the family of God.
Although the world has gone the way of Cain, (Jude 11),
there is another Way.
The Way of Love.
God’s object lesson in living color.
This has been a week about brothers. Wednesday we looked at a brother named Lazarus, who got sick and died. John 11.
Today about a brother who killed his brother.
And just this week in living color, right across the
street, I watched the love of brothers.
They stood, two macho men, shoulder to shoulder staring
at the Harley. Inch by inch they walked around it and talked about it.
The sun was scorching, it felt like a hundred, they
didn’t notice.
I snuck close enough to take a picture. Too close, felt as if intruding on some sacred ceremony.
They started her up, listened to
her rumble. Smiled like new dads at the nursery window.
Finally, the moment came, the gift transferred from
one brother to the other. On the outside it was a Street Glide, Harley. Inside
it was the unfailing, unconditional gift of love.
I ventured close enough to witness the unashamed hug
between brothers. Amidst the sweat and the smiles, the thing I noticed most was
the liquid love running from the eyes of them both.
And considering our text today, I’ll never forget the
words I heard. “I’m so glad I’m, (Abel), to do this for you.”
Let’s pray.
Father, thank You for Your great Love, that never ends and never fails. Thank You for speaking to us when we wander. Help us to hear You, and listen; to heed Your Words, so they produce life giving, life
saving, faith. Not only in us, but bubbling from us to others.
Thank You for showing us a better Way, than the way of
Cain. Thank You for helping us to walk in Your Way, and no other.
In Jesus name we pray.
We love You, forever.
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