The disciples are still around the
triclinium in the Upper Room.
Their feet have been washed; Judas has
left the building with satan in him.
Jesus told His disciples that in a
little while He would have to leave; and they would have to love. Not just any ol’ love but a new love; His love.
A new commandment I give to you, that you love
one another; as I have loved you… by this all will know you’re My disciples,
John 13:34-35.
His whole life was an example of perfect
love, but He kicked it into overdrive during this dinner.
Well, for starters, by washing their feet.
Then, by loving His enemy; using Judas
as the object lesson. Knowing he’d betray Him, even still, He invited Judas to
the supper, gave him the seat of honor beside Him, dipped bread with him, discreetly
let him know that He knew.
The disciples didn’t understand all
the love He was showing them at the time.
And that, is a lesson in itself.
Trust. Obey. Enjoy the journey with Jesus, without needing to know all the
details of every turn.
Obedience brings understanding.
Walk in His love, and the rest will
fall into place.
Simple, right?
Yea, it might be simple, but it sure
ain’t easy.
At least not for Peter…or me, perhaps
Oh, for Pete’s sake, Pete, you’re still thinking about that (John 13:33)?
Did you miss the whole love
commandment conversation? The most important command ever given, and you’re
stuck on the, I’ve got to leave, comment?
Did Jesus shake His head, smile and
say: “What am I gonna to with you Pete?”
Peter was focused on the nuts and bolts.
What’re You doing? Where are You going. Give me the info and we’re good to go.
Jesus is focused on the heart, no
matter what you’re doing—the why is what matters. As long as Love is the
motive, (the fuel), the what will work.
Pete was ready and willing to go wherever
with Jesus. Just give me the facts, tell me the plan, and I’ll do
whatever You want.
Pete’s not alone, is he? It’s easier
to do, than be.
We can go through the motions, getter done—but
can we do it with the right attitude? Can we honor God in the thoughts and
intents of our heart while we’re walking the line, wearing that smile?
That’s a little more challenging.
But God created us as human-beings,
not human-doings. The first word to man was “Be…” not “do”.
But doing is so much easier than
Just give me the rules, make it black
and white, the dos and don’ts.
Go here, say this do that. No prob.
Go to Church. Read the Bible. Say some
prayers. No sweat.
Smile. Be nice. Don’t cuss, chew, go
with those who do. Got it.
Toe the line. Piece of cake.
Walk the straight and narrow. No worries.
Just lead the way Jesus, I’ve got
Gather the bread, pull in the fish,
round up the people, prepare the meal. You can count on me. Let’s roll. I’ve
got Your back.
But… check my heart?
Oh boy, not so fast.
What if the thoughts and intents of
your heart scrolled across the screens all throughout this service?
It’s not Your time, yet. But soon, it
will be. Then, you’ll follow Me, and we’ll be together, afterward, forever.
Trust Me, Peter. People. Obedience
brings understanding.
Through faith and
patience, they received the promise. Hebrews 6:12.
So far, He’s been their training
wheels. Running beside them, holding them, directing them, keeping them from
falling. But now, He’s letting them know, He’s letting go. They’ll need to balance,
and pedal, and steer, on their own.
The just shall walk by faith, not by
sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7, Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11, Habakkuk 2:4.)
They all should’ve known this was
coming, and where He was going.
Faith comes by
hearing, the Rhema Word of God, Romans 10:17
He’d told them all along, who He was,
and where He was going. We've read it at least once in every chapter so far in John.
John 1:29; Behold the Lamb of God…
2:19; destroy this temple and in
three days I will raise it up
3:14; as Moses lifted the serpent,
even so must the Son of Man be lifted up
4:26; …I who speak to you am He.
(Messiah; to the woman at the well)
5:17; My Father has been working
until now, and I have been working (making Himself equal to God)
6:51 ; the bread I give is My flesh,
which I give for the life of the world
7:19; Why do you seek to kill Me? …33
I shall be with you a little while longer, and then I go to Him who sent Me.
You shall seek Me and not find Me, and where I am you cannot come.
8:21; I am going away and you will
seek Me and will die in your sin. Where I go you cannot come.
9:4; I must work the works of Him
who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming…
10:15; …I lay down My life for the
11:25; I am the resurrection and the
12, a triple play:
12:7; speaking of Mary anointing His
feet, “she has kept this for the day of My burial”
12:22; the hour has come for
the Son of Man to be glorified…
12:32; If I am lifted up from the
earth, will draw all people to Myself (speaking of His crucifixion).
13:33; Little children I shall be
with you a little while longer. You will seek Me; and as I said to the Jews, “where
I am going, you cannot come,”
They were told. They should’ve known,
Who He was, what He was doing, and where He was going.
So should we.
The most popular question ever asked. “Why?”
I’m Your disciple. Disciples follow
their Master. I don’t understand. Why can’t I go? Afterward? After what? Stay?
Wait? Without knowing? Understanding? Just stand? Alone? W-w-without You? You
won’t be here? I-I-I don’t know.
Who’s going to protect You?
Why is this happening?
Why don’t You tell me what’s going on?
Why are You doing this?
Why can’t I do that?
Jesus is calling forth faith. Like when
He called Lazarus from the grave.
FAITH is the substance
of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen… Hebrews 11:1.
No facts, no details. Just trust and
Peter vows that even if all the others
drop the ball, he never will.
Matthew 26:33-35, Mark 14:29-31, Luke 22:33-34.
Of course, the Lord being omniscient, seeing
the end from the beginning, it happened just as Jesus said.
They will leave the Upper Room, go to
the Garden of Gethsemane, and Jesus will ask the disciples to watch and pray
with Him.
But they fall asleep.
Jesus tells Peter: Watch and pray,
lest you enter into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”
(Mark 14:37–38).
Peter, willing to die for Him, but
evidently not willing to stay awake for Him, falls asleep and then later that
night falls into temptation—and denies the Lord.
After the third denial, the cock crows.
Peter’s Alarm Cock, gave him a Spiritual
wake-up call, for Eternity.
Peter wept, and satan desired to sift
him like wheat, to grind him to powder, toss him to the wind…
but Jesus had prayed.
Peter repented and returned.
On the day of Pentecost, Peter’s first
sermon—three thousand souls were saved. Acts 2:41. A thousand souls for every
However, some people were cruel. It’s
said that during his preaching hecklers would, “cock-a-doodle-doo.”
Eventually, Peter, was crucified upside
down, as he said he was unworthy to be hung on the cross the same way as his
Lord. Tradition says, his wife was crucified beside him.
Maybe Peter didn’t pay attention
during the first love lesson, but Jesus gave him another chance. After the
Resurrection, Jesus met them by the shore, made a fire and some breakfast. They
Then Jesus asked three times; Peter,
do you love Me?
Yes, You know I
do. Pete, repeated each time.
And then, Jesus gave Peter the answer
he’d longed for…
“Follow Me.” John 21:19.
He’s still saying it…
Let’s pray.
Lord Jesus,
Peter’s not alone,
we too have denied You. As You forgave him, and commissioned him, and told him
to follow You, thank You for doing the same to us.
We, pray for the
same commitment, and passion, of Peter, to follow You, from this moment, through
We love You,
Prayer Requests:
Call or text: 612-554-2522
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Facebook: Peter’s
Alarm Cock, John 13:36-38
You Tube: Peter’s Alarm Cock,
John 13:36-38
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