
Monday, January 27, 2025

Joseph’s Big Reveal, Genesis 45:1-15


Joseph’s brothers were guilty of attempted murder and human trafficking when they threw him in a pit and then sold him into slavery.

But God raised Joseph from the dead in a sense and put him in charge of all the land of Egypt, second only to Pharaoh.

While famine struck everywhere, Egypt had food because God gave warning to Pharaoh and wisdom to Joseph.

About 300 miles north, Joseph’s family heard there was food in Egypt, so, the brothers came down to buy food. The very brothers who’d betrayed him.

They had no idea Joseph was alive. They didn’t recognize him the two times they’d come to buy food. They just wanted what they could get to survive, to make it through the famine.

Joseph wanted more, he wanted a relationship with them, he wanted them to not only survive but thrive.

However, he needed to see if they’d be worthy and willing or if they were still wild and wicked.

So, he put them through a series of tests.

They passed every single one.

At the end of the final exam Judah rose to the top of the class and interceded for his brothers, offering his own life to save the others.

That was all Joseph needed to hear for the big reveal.

Genesis 45:1, Then Joseph could not restrain himself before all those who stood by him, and he cried out, “Make everyone go out from me!” So no one stood with him while Joseph made himself known to his brothers.

This is the moment Joseph had been longing for.

They were ready to receive from his heart, not just his hand.

He cleared the room, so it was just him and them.

Oh, dear friends, do you know how the Lord longs for moments like this?

It may be the moment of Salvation or moments of illumination.

We move beyond our wants, our needs, beyond ourselves, and reach out for Him, and there He meets us.

James 4:8, draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you.

You hear a verse, a Word, you’ve heard a thousand times before, but in that glorious moment, suddenly, it’s just Him and you, no one else is in the room.

There in that place, in that Kairos moment, He meets you...

Tears speak what words can’t.

He illuminates your soul and speaks directly, specifically, personally, intimately, just to you.

Speaking of directly, specifically, personally, intimately. Some say the way Joseph made himself known, was by showing his brothers the one thing all Jewish males had in common. Circumcision.

 2 And he wept aloud, and the Egyptians and the house of Pharaoh heard it.

Joseph was the boss, second in command of all the land, yet he wept, loud and unashamed for all to hear. This was unusual in the Egyptian court, where proper protocol was restraint and decorum.

But that didn’t matter.

The pent-up emotion from years of longing and praying for a dream fulfilling reconciliation, came gushing out as liquid love and forgiveness.

Love trumps protocol. Relationship outranks rules and regulations.

3 Then Joseph said to his brothers, “I am Joseph; does my father still live?”

The original text may have been more of an exclamation, rather than a question: I’m Joseph. Father still lives!

But his brothers could not answer him, for they were dismayed in his presence.

The word for dismayed, is defined, trembled (inside), or, terrified.

The last time they saw Joseph, he trembled and was terrified, because of how they treated him.

Now, Joseph could have them killed with the nod of his head.

So now, they’re the ones trembling and terrified, because of how they treated him.

If the brothers could, they would, turn back the clock and undo what they’d done.

Lord, help us live with no regrets. To live today in such a way that tomorrow won’t bring sorrow.

 4 And Joseph said to his brothers, “Please come near to me.” So they came near. Then he said: “I am Joseph your brother, whom you sold into Egypt.

Ruh roh, Joseph remembered too.

Now, they’re really trembling and terrified.

A foreshadow of the day Israel will look upon Him whom they pierced and mourn as if for their only son. Zechariah 12:10.

Let’s ask ourselves. If today, I see Jesus, face to face, will I be trembling with joy, or terror, because of the way I treated Him?

Notice, Joseph doesn’t use their past as a stick to beat them with.

Joseph doesn’t nod his head to have them killed, he nods toward God, to honor Him.

5 But now, do not therefore be grieved or angry with yourselves because you sold me here; for God sent me before you to preserve life.

God weaves His wonderful ways through the wicked ways of man.

But make no mistake He never tempts to do evil, nor does He ever do evil.

God did not tell the bros to throw Joe in the pit.

However, He might have prompted Judah to recommend they sell him; which would save Joseph’s life. And put him in place to be promoted to save many people alive and pull Israel into Egypt. Where they’d be fruitful and multiply for 400 years while God exercised His patience over the inhabitants of the Promise Land; for the iniquity of the Amorites was not yet full. Genesis 15:16.

 6 For these two years the famine has been in the land, and there are still five years in which there will be neither plowing nor harvesting.

God is good. All the time.

Just as God warned them of the seven-year famine.

He warns us of the seven-year tribulation. Not to scare us, but prepare us to escape the wrath which is to come. 1 Thessalonians 1:10.

Amos 3:7
Surely the Lord GOD does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.

7 And God sent me before you to preserve a posterity for you in the earth, and to save your lives by a great deliverance.

Joseph was talking to the family that would become the nation of Israel.

Over 3,700 years ago God set the precedent; He will protect Israel.

If not for God, Israel would be no more. Because of God, Israel will never be destroyed.

God wove His protective plan through the acts of man to save Israel. Here in our text by the hand of Joseph and then, 400 years later by the hand of Moses and Joshua, and time and time again by prophets and judges and kings and ultimately in our future by the King of kings, Jesus Christ, at the Ezekiel 38-39 war, and then again at the battle of Armageddon. Rev. 16:12-16; 19:11-20.

The very existence of Israel today is enough proof in and of itself to believe the Bible is True and God is alive and well and involved in the nations.

 8 So now it was not you who sent me here, but God; and He has made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house, and a ruler throughout all the land of Egypt.

This does not mean what the brothers did was right, it does not condone their sin, but it shows once again that God weaves His wonderful ways through the wicked ways of man.

Paul puts it like this in Romans 8:28, And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

Okay, so that bad thing happened, whatever it was, you choose. The plate got shattered into a million pieces, but working together with the Lord, we piece it together and, in the end, it makes a masterpiece.

9 “Hurry and go up to my father, and say to him, ‘Thus says your son Joseph: “God has made me lord of all Egypt; come down to me, do not tarry. 10 You shall dwell in the land of Goshen, and you shall be near to me, you and your children, your children’s children, your flocks and your herds, and all that you have. 11 There I will provide for you, lest you and your household, and all that you have, come to poverty; for there are still five years of famine.” ’

Being able to say these words had to be the highlight of Joseph’s life thus far.

All the wealth and prestige of Egypt couldn’t hold a candle to gathering his entire family to him, not just for a visit, but to live.

Imagine having a ranch, or farm, or family business where the whole family lives and works as one big, noisy, messy, happy, family.

Imagine the Lord’s longing for the day He gathers His family, Home.

It’s why He wept over Jerusalem and said: How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing! Matthew 23:37.

12 “And behold, your eyes and the eyes of my brother Benjamin see that it is my mouth that speaks to you.

Can’t you see the family resemblance in my eyes and your eyes, my mouth and Benny’s mouth?

 13 So you shall tell my father of all my glory in Egypt, and of all that you have seen; and you shall hurry and bring my father down here.”

Good advice.

Hurry and tell of all the glory and all the goodness our Good God provides to deliver us from famine.

God has given us all things that pertain unto life and godliness. 2 Peter 1:3.

Yes, I know the world’s headed to hell in a handbasket, but I’m going to heaven in a blaze of glory. 1 Corinthians 15:52

Of course, my body’s getting older, and fading, but I’m not, I’m going from glory to glory. 2 Cor. 3:18.

Sure, the money gets tight, and we live on a budget, but God’s our Provider, and He’s more than enough. Phil. 4:19.    

14 Then he fell on his brother Benjamin’s neck and wept, and Benjamin wept on his neck. 15 Moreover he kissed all his brothers and wept over them, and after that his brothers talked with him.

Family. Finally. No more tests. No more hiding.

Consider the forgiving heart of Joseph.

Are we able to do that?

We must do that.

We remember the Lord’s prayer.

Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. Matthew 6:9-13.

But do we remember what Jesus said directly after the Lord’s prayer?

For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

Let’s pray.  

Lord Jesus, we purposely move beyond our wants and needs and simply, humbly reach out for You. We want to be so close that You clear the room.

Now, it’s just me and You. 

I long to hear from You, directly, specifically, personally, intimately. Let me know, is there any unforgiveness in me? I don’t want there to be. Help me to forgive, everyone, including myself. I invite You to weave Your wonderful ways, through me, for Your glory.

Lord, I love You, forever.


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Facebook: Joseph’s Big Reveal, Genesis 45:1-15

You Tube: Joseph’s Big Reveal, Genesis 45:1-15

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