Sunday, April 5, 2020

This Week Grim Reaper's Scythe Turns To Harvester's Sickle

The world watches the grim-reaper's scythe slice back and forth across the globe. 

In a similar time, some time ago, the people were told. Take a lamb, without blemish, kill it at twilight; put some of the blood over the doorposts. Do not leave the house, but eat the lamb in haste, with your belt fastened, your sandals on your feet and your staff in your hand.

It came to pass, at midnight, there was a great cry throughout the land. Death was found in every house without the blood of the Passover Lamb. (Exodus 12)

That very night, they went out in haste; they went out with silver and gold, and there was not one feeble among them.

All the land of Egypt was plagued and all their gods were struck down and judged; because they would not let God’s people go. Instead of embracing them, they enslaved them.

All the world is plagued today, and gods of gold and silver and economic pleasures have been struck down.

Almighty God, we know You are good and did not do this. We also know You are wise and You have used open our eyes. 

Lord, we have sinned. We’ve failed to embrace The Passover Lamb; The Lamb Of God that takes away the sin that plagues our world. We've become enslaved to running to and fro, ever-increasing useless knowledge and never ending lust for pleasure. 

Over night, it's all come undone. All the rotten fruit, wood, hay and stubble has been shaken away. 

Here we stand, naked and exposed.

Please forgive.

Merciful Lord, we ask for mercy to triumph over judgement.

This holy week, as we remember You, our Passover Lamb; remember us, remember Your sacrifice and let Your blood once again, deliver us from death, heal our hearts and heal our land.

So that all the people of all the world will know that You are Lord of all the earth, please accept our prayer, forgive our sins and declare death to this plague. 

Lord we ask for You to do what only You can do, bring life, from death. Turn the grim reaper's scythe into the Lord of The Harvest's sickle.

We will remember You. We will teach our sons and daughters and grandchildren about You. We will share with our friends and neighbors and everyone You bring us to, how You delivered us from the invisible enemy that sought to kill, steal and destroy.

Not just once a year, not just Resurrection Sunday, but without ceasing we will celebrate Easter. We will rejoice that You defeated death and hell and the grave, not only two-thousand years ago...but also, here and now, in our lives, today.

We will not go back to our old ways, we will not allow ourselves to be enslaved to the hustle and hurry that kept us from our families and You. We will take time, to be still and know, that You are God.

We will never forget You our Resurrection and Life.

Thank You for waking us, hearing us, and healing us. 

We need You.

Your people

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