Friday, March 15, 2019

Papa, can I spend the night?

“Hey Papa, I was wondering, can I spend the night with you?”
“Sure…for a dollar”
“Ummm—” he giggled—“I don’t have a dollar Papa, I’m broke”
“That’s okay, you can stay, for free.”
“Oh good”
“I’ll see you in a little while then?”
“Okay Papa, thanks, see you later, love you, bye.”
We hung up. I smiled, I’m sure he did too.
I went about my business staring at a computer screen.
He went about his, watching out the window.
I worked.
He waited.
My mind was filled with a million things.
His was filled with one.
I was busy, the hours flew.
For him, the clock ticked slow…each second like a minute, each minute like an hour.
Finally, when the day's work was done, I looked out the window, “I guess he’s not coming.”
Finally, after anticipation turned to exhaustion, he bowed his head, his eyes were wet. He walked away, “I guess Papa’s not coming.”
It was late when we discovered my blunder, but, from where I write this morning, I can hear him, and his little brother, sleeping soundly on the couch.
Lord, help me be like him.

Watching, waiting, anticipating, Your arrival.

Help me remember, the precious gift of a child; a reminder of You.

“But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14 

1 comment:

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Oh, Doug, this is absolutely beautiful! Definitely tugged at my heartstrings.