
Friday, October 30, 2020

Dear God, This Is America Saying Thank You, in 2020

Thank You Jesus for giving America's administration the wisdom to lead US, in less than a year, through an unprecedented, economy halting plague, to the lowest case fatality rate in the world; the most and best  testing and equipment in the world, not only for US but to share with the world.

Thank You that only 6% of hospital beds have covid patience. That even in the peak by Your awesome ingenuity, and perhaps Divine Irony, You used a decades old product of the then, Real Estate Mogul, Donald Trump, and with miraculous speed, converted the Javits Center into a hospital. Your way of showing US there’s an abundant supply available, ready and waiting…to heal our land.

Thank You for saying You’d never leave US, but send The Comforter to be with US. Because You are always speaking, always reaching, always teaching, You delivered huge hospital ships named Comfort and another named Mercy, dedicated specifically to fight the virus. Even though they were barely needed, because You are the God of more than enough, no cost was too great to simply deliver Your Presence and Promise of Comfort and Mercy.

Thank You for encouraging US with the truth that there’s a 99% cure rate. That the odds of any serious symptoms with children is nil and the actual death rate is only a small fraction of what has been reported.

Thank You for speaking to US through every media outlet in the world, “Wash your hands.” Which we know is Biblespeak for, “Repent.”

You are Good, Lord God. We thank You for giving US another chance at life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Thanks for the miracle of the world's largest economy going from a dead stop to record breaking highs. 

Thank You for using this year to remove blinders, giving US perfect 2020 vision, exposing the corruption and vile wiles of the devil. Thank You for revealing to US our need to stand up, speak up and take action to cherish, defend and protect our wonderful God inspired Constitution. Thank You for a Whitehouse Administration that heeds the rule of law and restrains from overreach even though sorely tempted, when chaos burns hot in the streets. Thank You for showing US how the enemy will burn our lives to the ground, but, more than enough help and power and strength is available, with just one call to The Commander in Chief.

Lord God, our Father, we the people, do not deserve it, because of our ungrateful, whining and complaining, nevertheless, we ask, please forgive US and wake US to Truth. Shake us to action. Slap US awake from woke.

Show US what is good and what is required of US; to do justly, to love mercy, to walk humbly with You, our Lord and our God.

We love you Lord Jesus. Come quickly. Heal our land.


  1. Amen, Doug! May it be God's will that President Trump be reelected, and that we continue down this road of prosperity and religious freedom.


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