
Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Dear God, This Is America From Election Day, 2020


Dear God,

Will You give US four more years of President Trump?


Why? Well, it’s a matter of life and death, for the unborn, for our constitution, for our unalienable rights given to US by You; life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Yes, this is true. But, why should I give America, another term with a President who fights for Me, by fighting for the least of these, the unborn; a man who is true to Israel, the apple of My eye? Why should I do this thing, when you have not stood with him, the man I appointed and placed in office? You have been divided. As you know, a house divided cannot stand.

But, but, Lord, we’ve prayed. We’ve come together, we Your people, called by Your name, have prayed and sought and…oh You know the thing…heal our land.  

Do you know “the thing” I have spoken? “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

Have you humbled yourselves? Or, must you be humbled?

Have you prayed by seeking My face, or have you prayed, seeking your will from My hand?

Have you turned from your wicked ways? Or just turned to Me, without turning from sin?

Lord, we’re speechless, guilty, undone…You, are good and Your mercy endures forever. Please cleanse US, forgive US, revive US, oh Lord.

If I grant this thing, what will you do?  If My fighter stays in the ring, will you return to your complacency? Will you continue to eat the fat of the land, feasting off milk and honey, getting drunk on wine, while My innocent ones, the least of these, are slaughtered? Will you sit silent and remain idle as murderers applaud the slaughter?

Where is righteous indignation?

Why did you not unify and stand against evil? I gave you the keys, you left the door open. Your complacency has left you undone. You have allowed the bloodshed, that now cries to Me. Not only that, but some who claim to follow Me, side with those who promote this vile evil. Their stench pollutes your land. I do not know them.

Why should I place My finger on the scale and put My fighter through another round, if you are not willing to lift a finger, to fight, to stand your ground?

Will you never learn unless you are pruned and purged? Will you remain silent as they cut out your tongue?

Oh Lord, Righteous Judge, we deserve nothing less than Your wrath. But, Lord, You know the world is watching. What will they say if we fail? The nation that stamps on every coin and every dollar, “In God We Trust.”  You are good, Your mercy endures forever. Lord have mercy. Show the world, for Your name's sake, what You can do in a day for the nation whose God is the LORD.

As I remembered My promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and had mercy on a rebellious, stiff necked Israel; I remember the tears and prayers of America’s founders. I also see, a remnant remains. I have their tears, have heard their prayer and have already answered.

I AM the same, yesterday, today and forever. I change not. Today I set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. Choose life, that you and your children may live.

IF you do, the party of Life, will win.  Remember, your help does not come from the right or the left, but from above. Know this: there is no four year guarantee, or even tomorrow. Make the most of every moment, for the days are evil, and short.

Watch. Pray. Be vigilant. Be not deceived. 

Our Father, Your will be done.

Make us one. 



  1. A resounding "amen!" I sincerely believe that President Trump is God's warrior. May we all be humble before our Lord and King.
    Blessings, Doug!

  2. Amen!! Great message brother


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