Stephen stood before the angry mob. They glared at him; each
fist held a stone.
Stephen gazed toward heaven; his face held a glow.
Why was the mob so angry?
If the widows spoke, it was all Greek to him (that’s a joke,
kind-of, because Stephen’s mission was to Greek speaking widows).
But no matter, he didn’t need words. He could hand them their
food, pause just long enough to catch their eye, and smile.
Love in the eye, and a smile, can say more in a moment,
than a thousand sermons.
The widows viewed Stephen as a kind and gentle lamb.
But not everyone.
No-strings-attached Love that comes from Above, sends
tremors through the hordes of hell. It’s viewed as a threat, like the stalking
of a Lion.
Words of wisdom are like the roaring of a Lion to demons of
the deceived. Civil discourse with them is impossible, because all they hear is
the roar, all they feel is fear.
They won’t debate, they can’t, they have no words, just fear. Like
a venomous dog backed in a corner, it’s fight or flight.
They rage over everything…and nothing.
So, why were they so angry with Stephen? After all, feeding
the poor was something the virtue-signaling, sanctimonious agreed with.
David asked it in Psalms and the Disciples prayed it in Acts:
the people plot vain things?
kings of the earth took their stand,
the rulers were gathered together
the Lord and against His Christ.’ (Acts 4:25-26)
The mob wasn’t mad at Stephen, they were afraid of
him—actually, the Lion of Judah, in him.
the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed. Revelation
He looked toward heaven.
That glorious glow that comes from being close to the Father, that
clothed the couple in the garden, that shown from the face of Moses radiated
from the face of Stephen.
He told HIStory.
Beginning with the patriarchs, he talked them through the
peaks and valleys of their nation.
is a map, revealing where you’ve been,
and where you should be going.
The evil against them, was a wake-up call to them, and they
cried out to God.
He heard and sent a deliverer with great authority, power and
But they rejected the man God had chosen, so he
fled and dwelt in a different land.
Their rejection delayed the deliverance, but God, in His mercy,
appeared in a burning bush to the deliverer and told him to return.
By mighty signs and wonders God delivered His people and
judged the nation that oppressed them. His deliverer led them out with silver
and gold and not one feeble among them…yet they continued to reject and rebel
against the man He’d chosen.
God took it personal and turned them
over to a debased, reprobate, corrupt mind. They craved the security of
bondage and lusted for gods of other nations. They dropped in the desert until all
who rejected God’s deliverance, were dead.
HIStory should
be retold, not rewritten.
He told the Truth.
Like a pack of ravenous wolves, they
gnashed at him with their teeth.
Looking up, Stephen said, “Look,
I see the heavens opened and Jesus standing at the right hand of God.”
The Lion’s roar was all they heard. Red was all they saw. Like
a riotous mob burning down the city that fed them, defunding the ones that
protect them, they grabbed the man who loved them and cast him out of the city
to stone him.
Stephen imitated Christ, in life…and in death.
Heaven’s curtain was open for Stephen. Jesus stood next to the
Father. All heaven gave a standing ovation.
What else could he do, but imitate his Savior.
Jesus, receive my spirit.”
Maybe for a moment, Stephen dropped his gaze from heaven to
earth. Perhaps he scanned the rock throwing mob. Perhaps he locked eyes with a
young man standing at the edge of the crowd and echoed Jesus one last time, “Lord,
do not charge them with this sin.”
God, rich in mercy, already selected a new deliverer.
And those who picked up stones, had dropped their coats, at the feet of a young man, named Saul.
What will you do?
Pick up a stone? Walk away?
Or, be His deliverer...and be delivered, too.
Let me know how to pray for you.
I love you
Most importantly,
Jesus loves you.
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