About ten days after Jesus ascended into heaven, when the day of Pentecost had fully come, He returned in another Form. This time, not limited to flesh and bone of the Son of Man, but filled the earth with His glory, consummating His marriage, by His Holy Spirit entering His beautiful Bride, the Church.
Just in case you didn’t know, Pentecost is a feast when
Israel offers the first fruit of their wheat harvest; it takes place fifty days
after Passover. Jesus triumphant entry into Jerusalem, His last big MIGA rally, (Make Israel Great Again), was right before Passover. That’s when He said, “Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground it remains alone, but if it dies, it produces much fruit” This prophecy was fulfilled when He returned (in another Form) on the day of
Pentecost and filled His believers in the upper room, then spilled out into the
streets and produced much fruit, when 3,000 souls were saved that day. It continued
to grow and flow from that moment until it reached the entire globe and continues
to bear much fruit, to this very hour.
It’s nothing short of Divine timing that Jesus died on Passover. That’s the feast
commemorating Israel’s last night in Egypt, when the death angel was to kill
all the first born. They ate the Passover Lamb and sprinkled its blood over the
door posts, which was a sign for the death angel to pass over, and spare
their first born. A shadow of things to come; when Jesus would lay down His
life, as our Passover Lamb.
When the Holy Spirit came, on the day of Pentecost, was in
many ways, the birth of the Church.
The word translated Church is Ecclesia or Ekklesia.
Its Greek, meaning: assembly of called out ones. The Greek understood this word,
Ekklesia, to describe the group of people who made decisions about war, foreign
policy, wrote and revised laws, approved or condemned the conduct of public
Doesn’t that sound more like a definition for congress? (Well, at least what congress is supposed to be?)
Therefore, the original purpose and definition of Church was, a people called out by God, engaged to
rule and reign.
Not a building with stained glass and steeple.
Not a member of Sunday Socials.
God never changed His mind, regarding His first command; be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth, subdue it and have dominion.
With that being said, the phrase, don’t talk religion
or politics, doesn’t hold water. In fact, it’s a lie to try and emasculate
the Power of the Ecclesia.
Speaking of Power; Jesus said, when
the Holy Spirit comes, you’ll receive Power to be witnesses to
the ends of the earth. That word, Power, mentioned over a hundred times in
the New Testament is the Greek word, dunamis, meaning: (miraculous) power,
might, strength. Whereby we get our word dynamite.
When you look in the mirror what do you see?
Worn? Weary? Worried? Wounded? Considering what we’ve been
going through, those feelings are understandable. But look deeper than the
feelings. Look beyond the worry lines, the weary eyes, weathered and worn skin and
wounded trembling chin…what do you see, down deep inside?
If you’re born
again and have invited the Spirit of God to reside within, then, you’ll find behind
the worn, weary, worried, wounded soul, a Warrior radiating (dynamite) Power,
just waiting to be called out and engaged to rule and reign in every
area of your life and society.
Previous post: MIGA Rally
Next: When the Enemy Looks at You, He Sees a Lion
P.S. If you don't see the Lion, or feel His presence, or if you're not sure He's even there, let me know and we'll pray and invite Him to come in...and roar.
I love you...
most importantly, Jesus loves you.
In this weary world, it can be all too easy to forget that we are infused with the limitless power of the Holy Spirit. Let us claim our inheritance and roar!
ReplyDeleteBlessings, Doug!