
Thursday, March 4, 2021

MIGA Rally

Following is the introduction to Whispering Pines Bible Study on 3.3.21:

It was a wonderful whirlwind for about three years. Every time He spoke crowds would gather. By the thousands, they followed Him from place to place. They were actually starting to believe He’d make them great again.

You could call it a MIGA movement, (Make Israel Great Again). The last and biggest MIGA rally before He died, is still remembered to this day, it was the super bowl of rallies; we call it, Palm Sunday.

The elite were jealous and fearful of the cheering masses and did everything they could to stop Him but Jesus said, it couldn’t be done. “If they’re silent—” He said, “—even the rocks will cry out.”

That let everyone know, He had no intention of stopping, and the best, was yet, to come.

While His followers celebrated in the Light; there were those conspiring in the night, selling their soul as quid pro quo for power and money. As is the pattern throughout HIStory, the deep-seated elite manipulated (and paid) unscrupulous people to manipulate the masses into a riotous frenzy to get what they want or burn down the system.

So, for fear of the mob, Pontius Pilate, the supreme court justice, washed his hands and turned his back on the rush-ed impeachment hoax and yielded to a fraudulent vote to give the people a criminal named B…Barabbas; allowing an Innocent Man to be crucified.

(If that sounds familiar, it’s because the Word of God is quick and alive and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing and rightly dividing soul and spirt from flesh…and is more current and up to date than any viral video or twitter feed)

Even after they watched Him die, be carried away and laid in a tomb—they still feared Him. So, they sealed the grave and set a guard, to make sure, as best they could, He’d never return. (Like razor-wire and national guard?)

Despite their best efforts, in an earthshaking death-defying resurrecting turn of events, He rose from the grave and for forty days presented many infallible, undeniable, irrefutable, proofs that He was indeed alive and well.

His closest friends had always wondered; who’d be the greatest. Or, who would get to sit on the right and the left of His throne. Mostly they wondered when it’d finally happen. So, after His resurrection, they came right out and asked, “Lord at this time, will You restore the kingdom to Israel?” He told them it wasn’t for them to know the timing of such things, but He’d give them Power and Wisdom to occupy until it’s done.

Then, as a grand-finale to His bodily, earthly, ministry, He defied gravity and ascended straight up, all the way up, into heaven.

BUT, His ascending wasn’t the ending…no, it was just the beginning and the best is yet, to come.  

Continue reading here: Engaged to Rule and Reign

1 comment:

  1. Amen, Doug! What a tremendous analogy you've written here. The parallels to our day and time are truly chilling.


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