
Wednesday, September 28, 2022

What Does Ian Mean?

“Let us cross over to the other side.”

…And a great windstorm arose, and the waves beat into the boat, so that it was already filling. But He was in the stern, asleep on a pillow. And they awoke Him and said to Him, “Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?”

Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still!” And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.  Mark 4:35-39.

Jesus said, Let’s cross over to the other side.

For the disciples and Him, it meant, jumping in a boat and crossing the Sea of Galilee; which is about eight miles across—simple enough, until you throw in a great windstorm.

For us, where we live, right now, it’s crossing to the other side of Ian; while wind and water tries to beat into our homes.

My neighbor’s water pump, is growling at Ian; trying to keep the monster at bay.

In our little village, we’ve done what we could. Piled sandbags, battened down, boarded up. Turned clubhouse, into bunkhouse.

Now we face the giant.

The disciples probably did what they could. Bailed water. Lowered sails. Turned bow into the wind…but to no avail. They couldn’t keep the water out. The boat was filling. The storm was winning.

That last paragraph must’ve emboldened Ian, because, he’s really roaring right now.

You know the feeling.

Even after doing everything, you could…

All the treatments, and chemo, the radiation, and whatever the doctor ordered…even still, the cancer is back.  

The grief won’t go, wave after wave, it beats into your soul.

No matter how hard you try, fear soaks through the sandbags (which may look like tearstained pillows). 

Worry blows through the walls, no matter how bold and courageous, you try to be.

It seems there’s no end to the storm.

Prayers go unanswered.

God seems to be sleeping.

Doesn’t He care that we’re perishing?

Why even try?

That’s exactly what His disciples said, and felt.

Remember, Jesus was right there with them, in the boat, in the midst of the storm. As He is with you, right now.

Just like then, He is now, at peace, at rest, not scared. 

He is our example. He says, to us all: Come unto Me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

The disciples, finally, when everything else failed, and the boat was already filling; after they were in a panic, and frantic, then, after all that, they, at last, called out to Jesus.

Lord, help us, preprayer, and not wait until the boat is sinking, or the roof is blowing off, or the floods are flowing in, to ask for Your help. We need Your protection; Your peace; right now. Every minute, every hour. 

Nevertheless, even when we do, wait until the last minute to call out to You, thank You, that You are gracious.

Do you know what, Ian, means? The Lord is gracious. It’s the Scottish version of John. Ióannés, in Greek; Yochanan, in Hebrew.  

Wet, weary and freaked out, the disciples finally cried out to Jesus. It wasn’t exactly a pretty prayer. “DON’T YOU CARE? WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE!”

That’s okay. 

God hears honest prayers way better than pretty ones.

It’s important to note, that they were in the boat with Jesus.

Sure, they were in a storm. But that doesn’t matter; what’s important is, that they were in the center of His will.

Remember, Jesus told them, to get into the boat, and cross over.

Better to be in a boat with Jesus, in the middle of the ocean, in the middle of a hurricane, than on shore, high and dry…without Him.

Peace Be Still by James Seward
Like queen Esther, we may hear ourselves say,  “If I perish, I perish,” but even then, we can have a calm assurance, that no storm, will be able to blow us out of the protective care of our Lord.

Ian may roar.

The Lord is gracious.

When the disciples called out to Jesus, He arose and rebuked the wind, and commanded the waves, “Peace be still.”  

And just like that, there was a great calm.

Dear family, the Prince of Peace, may seem to be sleeping in this world gone crazy, but the Truth is, He never slumbers nor sleeps.

One day, soon, the Lord will rise, and there will be a great calm, on all the earth, forever.

Until that day, winds and waves, and hearts and souls, will roar more and more.

The Lord is gracious.

Listen. Through the roaring storm, His still, small, voice, ever calls, Peace be still.

The Lord is gracious.

The threshold to eternity, is a breath away. Be sure, very sure, you’re in the right boat, so you can hear your Captain say, “Well done. Let’s cross over.”

Praying our gracious Lord, watch over you and keep you, in His perfect peace and protection. 

Remember, we love you.

Most importantly, 

Jesus loves you, forever.


1 comment:

  1. Pastor Doug, thank you for the words of peace and comfort. It's so good to know my God's got this too. My prayers are with you all at this time.


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