
Monday, September 26, 2022

Why Circumcision? Joshua 5:2




Joshua probably didn’t see that one coming.

Would you? We just crossed the Jordan, into enemy territory. Now’s the time to be on our guard, sharpen our swords; prepare.

Here in Florida, we’re preparing for a hurricane. Filled and placed sandbags until our hands and backs couldn’t lift another grain of sand. Folks are boarding up windows, putting down shutters, buying extra food and water and gas, and, I don’t know, did they make a run on the toilet paper?

All that preparation, (although sometimes kind of wacky), is somewhat understandable.

The children of Israel, crossed the Jordan. That was powerful and awesome. They set up some memorial stones. That was understandable. Making and sharpening knives, and spears would be reasonable— but making scalpels for circumcision?

Ummm, God, did I hear you right? Circumcision?

Seriously? The men will be wiped out for at least three days. We’ll be weak, vulnerable, tender, sore.


Cutting away of the flesh, to rely on, trust in, God and God alone.

Besides, God’s got it covered, of course. Remember, the other nations are shaking in their boots. They’re so scared, their hearts melted, their spirits left them. They won’t be coming anywhere near the children of Israel.

Circumcision didn’t start with Joshua. It goes way back to when God told Abraham this (circumcision) is a sign of the covenant between Me and you. Genesis 17:11.

Abraham, was ninety-nine, years old. He didn’t see that one coming, either.

You want me to… what?

But why circumcision? Interesting word. The prefix circum, means, around; and the Latin root word circ, means, ring.

Like the Johnny Cash song, "burning ring of fire." No. Not like that. Although the men may have felt like they fell into a burning ring of fire. 

“Circumcise yourselves to the LORD, circumcise your hearts, you men of Judah and people of Jerusalem, or my wrath will break out and burn like fire because of the evil you have done” (Jeremiah 4:4).

Actually, like a ring, that is the sign, of the covenant relationship of marriage. A marriage covenant that is meant to be, around forever; in which two, become one, and then, many.

God never breaks a promise, a covenant. 

The covenant with Abraham was an everlasting covenant. He wanted to reconcile the marriage. To do that they needed to restore the sign of the covenant; sort of like a couple renewing their wedding vows after a separation. And the reconciled couple, starts wearing their wedding rings, once again. 2 Corinthians 5:17-21.

Of course, the ring, (circumcision or wedding) is just an outward sign, of an inward covenant (like baptism). Without the heart being faithful, true, committed, all the outward signs in the world are meaningless. Romans 2:25-29.

As odd or a painful as it was, Abraham did not delay to do it; he and all his household. 

Additionally, on that same day, God changed Abraham and Sarah’s name; from Abram to Abraham, and Sarai to Sarah. (Like a name change upon marriage).

Within a year, they had a baby, named Isaac. The beginning of the promise. That birthed the entire nation of Israel; which gave birth to the Messiah. Which opened the door, for you and me, to circumcise our hearts, and be in a new covenant relationship, with Jesus, our Lord and Savior. 

The LORD your God will circumcise your hearts and the hearts of your descendants, and you will love Him with all your heart and with all your soul, so that you may live. Deuteronomy 30:6. 

Remember, we love you.

More importantly,

Jesus loves you. 

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