Friday, March 20, 2015

The Divine Timing of Ma’s Promotion

Ma's promotion date was more telling than we realized.

Her departure date was the Divinely inspired grand finale and declaration of her Lord. 
Today, as we celebrate the second anniversary of Ma’s first breath of Life. The heavens celebrate as well with a total solar eclipse and a super-moon which lands in the middle of a tetrad, (four blood moons). Books have been written about this event.
This first day of spring…two years ago today our Ma met her Jesus face to face.
Mary Gertrude DeVlaeminck, born February 4, 1926, in Grand Rapids, Michigan to John J. Rewa and Ida May Shawl. Mary passed away at eighty-seven years young into the open arms of her Lord on March 20, 2013, at Madelia Luther Memorial Home surrounded by her family.

3.3.13 we flew north—3.20.13 she did too, only a bit further.

We were met by a Minnesota wind that bit clear through the skin. It didn’t matter how much you wore, the cold cut to the core.

A prelude to that which was to come

For seventeen days subzero winds blew harsh and hard, mirroring death’s attempt to create a ground zero before the princess finished her course.

At first, she was only There for a visit…

“Come in, Sweet Princess Mary.” His Voice echoed from everywhere.

Princess? She thought and took a step and stopped. I can walk? She took another step and then another—quicker—and then she skipped and twirled like a school girl. Her blue dress billowed. I know I’m dreaming. But it feels so real. I love this. I love this place.

“This is no dream.” He smiled.

“I feel so free” she jumped, hands over her head. “Like I’ve been released from a lifetime in prison—I’m free” she sang. 
She liked the sound of her voice, no longer a whisper, no longer gravel.

His eyes danced. He laughed. It was a good laugh—like parents laugh watching children open presents on Christmas morn. “You’re in your new Home, Sweet Princess Mary.”

Princess? My oh my…I feel like one. “It’s not a dream? My new Home? It’s beautiful, I’ve never imagined anything so wonderful—ever. I love it.”
Suddenly, she stopped. Her eyes grew wide—even wider than before. “You…You must be, Jesus.” She squeaked and her hands flew over her mouth. “I recognize You from my dreams”

“Those weren’t dreams—and yes, I AM.” His smile dropped a bit. “I have a favor to ask of you.”

“You, have a favor to ask, of me? Who am I?” She bowed her head. “How can I do anything for You?”  She lifted her eyes ever so slowly. “But I will, anything for You my Lord.”

HIS eyes softened, “Will you return?”

She remembered life on earth. The weakness. The pain. Her failing body. Back to prison? No, I can’t do that. “Oh my…please no. You don’t understand—it was prison.”

His smile returned creased with compassion. “My sweet princess, I do understand. You won’t be alone. I’ll never leave you.”

She looked at His eyes and saw Love so deep it made her weep.

Nail scarred hands wiped tears from her eyes.

“For a little while? I have a special day appointed.”
She nodded.
He held her close and looked her in the eye. “The enemy will try to take you too soon. Just like he did with Me, when I walked the earth. But hold fast. I won’t let you go.”

“Oh my Lord, is there any other way?”

He wrapped His arms around her, kissed her forehead, and made a soft laugh. “I tried that prayer too, remember?”

“Yes, I remember” she whispered.

“And…?” He whispered back.

“You said in the garden, ‘Not My will but Yours be done.’ ”

“And what do you say?”

“How will I know, when I can return—” she looked up at Him—"to You?”

“When you see your special messenger, then you’ll know.”

She remembered another Mary who faced a difficult decision. She smiled, “Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it unto me according to Thy word.”

In that instant death pierced an icy blade—she winced and her eyes squeezed shut. She was back in prison.

She willed herself to stay, one more second, one more minute, hour, day. She pushed toward the finish—even though she didn’t know when that would be.

Death blew cold and hard. “Give up and go home” it hissed.

She squeezed her eyes shut in pain, too weak to speak.

“Think of your kids. They don’t want to see you in pain. Let go, curse God and die.” The serpent would sting.

She wanted to go. To be free of this prison. She missed her husband and would whisper, “Hank.”
Her kids told her it was okay to go and be with dad. They prayed the Lord would take her Home if it was her time to go.
But the words of her Lord echoed in her soul. “When you see your special messenger, then you’ll know.” So, she held on, and longed for the day her special messenger would arrive.

Death pierced.
She persevered.

The coronation celebration was set.
The Book of Life was written.
The enemy of her soul did everything in his power to squelch her life—to get her to throw in the towel. But she willed her heart to beat, until her final hour.

Death hissed, “What are you waiting for? There’s no special time—no special hour. It’s time to go.”

“Dear Lord is it time?” she’d ask in her heart.

“Not yet…but soon.”

For seventeen days she pulled each breath through fluid filled lungs, like sucking mud through a straw.

Against death’s taunts, she willed her weary heart to beat…until the day she saw him. And at that moment she knew.

“Time to go” he simply said.

His words shook her soul.
She choked out three short coughs her eyes popped open and fell shut again as she sprang from her body.
Her heart stopped…her face went pale.

She floated on air and touched every child in the room as she whispered, “As ever, forever, I love you.”

“We’ve lost her” echoed between sobs around the room.

She turned to her special messenger, “I’m ready.”

As they were about leave the special messenger said, “You may have lost her, but she’s not lost.”

None of us heard his voice, but all of us knew the message I punched into the phone…
“She’s Home.”

As they traveled from this realm to the next the princess turned toward her special messenger—such a handsome escort he was. “What’s your name?” she said.

He smiled at her, with familiar eyes, “You always called me Hank.”


The first day of spring the angels did sing

Come forth Sweet Princess Mary

Your day has come

For you have won

The first day of spring she sprung free of life’s shackle into God’s tabernacle.

God’s declaration from the Home Coming Coronation of Sweet Princess Mary:

“Enter into the joy of the Lord my Sweet Princess Mary. This first day of spring represents a new season for you and your children who are left behind. I wanted them to remember this day as a day of new beginning, not ending.
And you, My sweet precious child welcome to your new Home where there is no sorrow or pain. Only, as ever, forever, Love. ”

God’s specialty is bringing life from death. And He’s done it again.


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