Saturday, April 11, 2020

The King is Calling, Crushing and Coming

You may not recall a sadder Saturday since the one between the cross and the tomb.
Yesterday, Good Friday, the day death thought it’d won, reports the highest daily death toll in our country for COVID-19 at 2,035.
The last highest daily death toll was a few days earlier, around Passover. You remember, Passover, that’s when death struck the homes of those not covered by the blood of the Passover Lamb.
Is death making a statement? striking back, lashing out, in this time of sorrow, this time of fear, this time of need?
The timing can’t be denied.
There are arguments about the origin, the cause and the cure; but, no one can deny the timing.
God, lives outside of time. He doesn’t operate by clock or calendar; but in the fullness of time.  He does what He does, when the time is right.
The primary way God speaks to us, is through His Word. For those who watch and listen, He reveals what He’s doing. He allows us to see, coincidence and Providence, meet. When situations line up in such a way that there’s no explanation other than Divine orchestration. It may be simple things. So simple in fact that if not watching, listening, they could easily be missed. For example, a simple girl and boy having a baby, in a manger, because there was no room for them in the Inn.
What’s happening in the time in which we live is beyond mere coincidence; deeper than a conspiracy theory. Just as John the Baptist’s voice, “REPENT!” echoed in the wilderness to prepare the way of the Lord just before Jesus stepped onto the scene. Once again, His Voice is shaking the earth as it echoes through the wilderness of every heart on earth, “REPENT!” In Bible language that’s also translated: “WASH YOUR HANDS!”
As we sit here this sad Saturday, between the cross and the tomb, consider that Jesus was gone for two days. Two days, but then, He returned, He rose. Did you know we’re at the very threshold of His being gone for two days? Two thousand years to the day and minute is quickly approaching.  
The parallels are unprecedented. The events are unparalleled. The timing, undeniable.
It appears, death has come with great wrath, knowing his days are numbered.  
However, for those who know that God is good and that it’s not His will that any perish, but all come to repentance, we fear not. We see the serpent writhing as God is crushing his head. We hear our Father’s Voice calling with great love and patience, sending out one last shout, one last trump, “Get ready your King is coming.”

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