Friday, April 10, 2020

What's so Good About Good Friday...especially, this one

Why is Good Friday, good?
Since Monday Worldometer reports we’ve lost, in America, over 7,000 to COVID-19. (That doesn’t include today, Good Friday.)
Passover is no stranger to death.
This week, not so long ago, was a pretty hard week for Jesus, too. 
This Passover—Good Friday—Easter, week, with all of its death soaring sorrow and finger pointing fear…remember Jesus.
He washed the disciples’ feet, even Judas’s stinking betraying feet.
He was mocked, slandered and lied about in a make-believe impeachment. He turned the other cheek while they ripped out His beard, bloodied Him raw with fists, whips and a crown of thorns.
Then, while hanging from an old rugged cross with nails in His hands and feet, for the first time since, forever, darkness clouded His heart and mind.
With all the agony and pain ever known to man from creation to this day, He choked out the saddest words ever echoed on the planet,  “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me.”
At that moment all my bloody, nasty, putrid sins were laid on Him.
(After writing that last line, I broke, and wept…and wept. hard. I cried tears of sorrow, for my part in nailing Him to the tree. It's been a long, long time since I've done that. Years. But, there was something more. Those tears were mostly tears of gratitude. Thankful for what He's done for me. There was Easter in my tears.)

We still cry, we still have sorrow, but thanks to Jesus, we weep with Easter in our tears.  

If you want to think about that for a moment, before completing. Stop reading. Start praying. It’s okay, I’ll wait.
Oh My God, I’m so sorry, please forgive.
My hands are bloody and filthy
…and holding a hammer.
Oh wretched man that I am.
Oh my God, I am so so so sorry...

Thank You. Thank You. Thank You, My Lord Jesus

There, I’m better now. It took a while to regain my composure, blow my nose and wipe my eyes.
What makes this sorrowful Friday good? How could we ever tack the word “good” in front of a day our Lord lay down His life in the most painful of ways?
Jesus, pulled in a ragged breath and said through quivering, bloody, broken, bruised lips, "Father forgive them…"
Do we remember?
Sure, we’ve had a rough week, but nothing, nothing, compared to His.
How can we call this Friday, good? As odd as it seems, I don’t know, but perhaps it was by inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Perhaps God had it all worked out, knowing the end from the beginning.
Remember the beginning? Creation? At the end of each day, God looked at all that He’d made and said, “It was good.” Every day, except the seventh day. The day of rest. The day of rest remained open without an ending, no epitaph; for all who will enter into His rest, with Him.
But, now, this day, this day we call Good Friday, this day in which Jesus hung between heaven and hell, knowing all things were accomplished, took one last breath and said, “It is finished.”
With that the earth shook, the sky went black, the veil in the temple was torn asunder from top to bottom; exposing man to what was behind the veil, the Holy of Holies, the very presence of God Almighty. Allowing me and you and whosoever will to return to that day in the garden, before the fall, before the sin and walk once again as they did back then, with Him, in the cool of the day, in the peace and rest of Eden.
And that, my friend…is very good.

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