Saturday, May 16, 2020

Common Cents Bill

Dear Representative,
Thank you for your service.
Please consider the following, instead of the partisan "Heroes" bill.
We do not need 1800 pages; the following proposal isn't even 180 words and addresses the need with laser focus, without throat slitting debt.
Common Cents Bill:
Please consider:
Employees back to work bonus of $1,000 mo. with no income tax for 90 days
Unemployment revert back to original standards (not available for those who refuse to return to work)
Incentive for employers: $400 per employee per month, 90 days.
If in debt, the last thing, most foolish thing, the criminally insane thing, would be to borrow from the Chinese mafia to remodel the house. Alas, that is exactly what we’ve been doing.
No more.
America is in debt. We don’t have money to waste. The money belongs to We The People, not the government. We propose commonsense with dollars and cents and not one penny more be spent on pork.

Thank you for your consideration.

God bless you and God bless the United States of America; may we steward, not squander, His blessing.

NOTE: The above proposal has been sent to my representative, you can do the same. Go here to find & email your rep. and copy & paste Common Cents Bill. It'll take a minute and perhaps save trillions:
This is not a red or blue is purely red, white & blue.

****Please share***

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