Genesis 24:1. Now Abraham was old, well advanced in age; and the Lord had blessed Abraham in all things.
Sarah died when Abraham was 137, and he’s 140 when Isaac
marries. So, Abraham is somewhere between there, probably closer to 140 years
2 So Abraham said to
the oldest servant of his house, who ruled over all that he had…
This servant is the leading character through this chapter,
yet, his name is never given. Many believe he is Eliezer, the one Abraham thought
would be his heir, since, at that time, Abe was childless. Genesis 15:2.
“Please, put your hand under my thigh, 3 and
I will make you swear by the Lord, the God of heaven and the God
of the earth…
In America when saying the pledge, you place your hand over
your heart.
In court, when being sworn in to tell the truth, the whole
truth, you place your hand over the Bible; God’s covenant.
In the Bible, back in that day, there was a peculiar way of
taking an oath. It was placing your hand under the thigh, (some say loins)
near, or on, the sign of the covenant. The sign of the covenant, was circumcision.
Genesis 17:11.
We see it here, and again in Genesis 47:29, when Jacob has
Joseph swear to not bury him in Egypt, but in the place, Abraham purchased as a
burial place, in Hebron. (Today this is
the Tomb of the Patriarchs).
Both times the oath giver was basically saying, “I’m putting
my trust in you; my future is in your hands.”
3 …that you will not take a wife
for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I
dwell; 4 but you shall go to my country
and to my family, and take a wife for my son Isaac.”
My oh my oh my… Notice how many times Abraham uses the word “my”.
God is starting a nation from one man, Abraham, and thus, must
stay within bloodlines.
Spiritually speaking:
Galatians 3:29; If you are Christ’s then you are Abraham’s
seed, and heirs according to the promise.
2 Corinthians 6:14-18; Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers… “Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you.” 18 “I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.”
5 And the servant said to him,
“Perhaps the woman will not be willing to follow me to this land.
This makes it clear that Abraham did not mean "take"
forcibly, but cordially cooperate and extend the invitation, for the bride to
accept willingly and follow.
As it is with Christ, and His followers.
Read: Genesis 24:5-8
Twice he says do not take my son back there.
In chapter 26, famine hits and God tells Isaac, don’t go to
Egypt. Don’t leave the Promise Land. So, Isaac stays, sows, reaps a hundred-fold.
Isaac, although tempted, never compromised by stepping foot
outside the Promise Land into Egypt, or to the land of his kin.
Jesus, although tempted, never compromised by stepping foot outside God’s Promised plan and into the land of sin.
Romans 13:14; But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision (no compromise) for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.
Read: Genesis 24:9-11.
Eliezer (the servant) commences immediately, obeys right
away without delay.
This was no small task. The way the crow flies the journey was 450-500 miles. The normal route by waterways, was 900-1,000 miles.
Ecclesiastes 5:4, When you make a vow to the Lord, do not delay to fulfill it; for He takes no pleasure in fools.
However, Jesus tells us a better way. Don’t make vows at
all; just let your yes be yes, your no be no—whatever is more than that is from
the evil one. Matthew 5:37.
CONSCIENTIOUS (Honorable. Just. Moral integrity.
Read: Genesis 24:12-14.
Eliezer seeks God’s Guidance.
Prayer is not moving God’s hand to our will, but our
heart, to His.
He didn’t ask for outward beauty, but inward.
Prayer is getting close enough to hear His heart. Then,
repeating what you’re hearing.
He prays with Godly Wisdom.
The servant, Eliezer, prays for the future bride of his
master’s son, to be determined by how…
Pretty? Nope. Smart? Nope. Good she cooks? Nope….
How she treats his camels. Yep.
Anyone offering to water a stranger’s ten thirsty camels is
ignorant… or, they have the depth of moral integrity, character, worthy of a
princess, a bride for his master’s son.
Because a thirsty camel can chug-a-lug 20 gallons. That’s
200 gallons for ten!
Read: Genesis 24:15-20.
He asks for a drink. She gives one. No big deal. But all the
while he’s drinking, he’s thinking, what about the camels, what about the
And then, verse 19, when she had finished giving him a
drink, she says, what about the camels?
When the temporal and eternal meet, the world calls it
coincidence, but we call it Providence.
Don’t miss this: Walking with God, listing to God,
opens a whole new realm of opportunity, communication and connection.
A girl offering to water the camels would be nothing more
than a nice, maybe naive, girl.
However, that Divinely Inspired prayer changed everything.
It turned the ordinary into extraordinary.
You can do that too.
Psalm 37:4; delight yourself in the Lord and He gives
you the desires of your heart.
Read: Genesis 24:21-27.
He waited for confirmation to see if she was for real, or was she just ignorant? Did she speak first, think later? Many say they’ll do something—few follow through. Fewer finish. Trust but verify.
This was no small task.
10 camels, 20 gallons each, 200 gallons total. The pitcher
she carried was only about 2 gallons (perhaps 3). That could mean 100 trips
back and forth from the well, until the camels stopped drinking.
She didn’t quit until, verse 22, the camels had finished
Jesus declares in Luke 9:62, “No one who puts his hand to
the plow and then looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.”
When the camels were done drinking, that was confirmation
enough for Eliezer, to pop open the jewelry box.
The rest is just formality. He already knows God showed him
that she’s the one. Nevertheless, he has to ask, who’s your daddy? Do you have
room for us to stay?
She confirms that her grandpa, is Abraham’s brother, Nahor,
and her dad, Bethuel, is Abraham’s nephew, and so, she is Abraham’s great niece.
And, yes sir, we have lots of room for you and your thirsty friends.
Once again Eliezer bows down and worships the Lord.
Read: Genesis 24:28-33.
Eliezer is laser focused on task at hand, undistracted by
the chaos, unfazed by food, family, fanfare and flattery from Laban.
I will not eat until I have told my errand.
Jesus says in John 4:34: My food is to do the will of Him
who sent Me and to finish His work.
Eliezer is like that, compelled to complete the work of his
Read: Genesis 24:34-49.
Eliezer communicates clearly his role. I am Abraham’s
servant. He uses the word “master” over 20 times; only exalts his master, never
himself. My food, is to do the will of my master.
He communicates the entire story for Rebekah’s family.
Everything out in the open, up on the table, even the part (especially the
part) about his prayer, and the answer, before he finished speaking.
Nothing is left for guessing the reason for his visit.
He concludes with a request for them to communicate their
response, immediately. Now if you will deal kindly and truly with
my master, tell me. And if not, tell me, that I may turn to the right hand or
to the left.
CONSECRATED (Set apart. Sanctified).
Read: Genesis 24:50-60.
Eliezer, set himself apart, kept himself consecrated, in
constant communion with his Maker, his master’s Master.
Three times we see him pray; each time the intensity
He prayed upon arrival; verses 12-15.
He bowed his head and worshipped, upon learning Rebekah was Abraham’s
kin; verses 26-27.
He bowed himself to the earth when they agreed that it was
God’s will for Rebekah to go; verse 52.
He stayed set apart, consecrated, not allowing himself to
take a vacation celebration even though they insisted.
That’s the world’s decoy. Sure, go ahead marry God’s plan
for your life—tomorrow. Yes, start doing Church—but not today, next Sunday.
No, he said, do not hinder me from completing what the Lord
has prospered. I must be about my master’s business.
Read: Genesis 24:61-67.
Eliezer, led the way to the son.
When they drew near, Isaac was doing what the servant did so often. Pray.
Eliezer told Rebekah who he was.
Verse 64 in the KJV says Rebekah lighted off the camel. Some
picture her lighting up a camel (cigarette). Delete that picture.
Rebekah covers herself with a veil, in humility and modesty.
Godly dignity.
Isaac sees her, loves her, brings her into his mother’s tent;
she becomes his wife and Isaac is comforted.
Eliezer tells Isaac everything.
Eliezer means God is my help.
Jesus describes the Holy Spirit as the Helper, Comforter,
Teacher, One who tells of things to come. He points and leads and tells of
The fingerprint of God is thick throughout His Word, and His
Abraham the father, offered his son.
Isaac the son, carried the wood up Moriah (Calvary), and
willingly offered himself.
Now, this unnamed, helper, consecrated communicator,
comforter, friend, brings the bride to the son. The son, who seemed to go away
after his “resurrection” and isn’t seen again until united with his bride.
Sound familiar?
One day soon, the Father, will tell the Son, go get your
Bride, and the Helper, the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, will catch His Bride up
to be with Him, not in His mother’s tent—but in His Father’s house, forever,
and ever, amen.
Let’s pray.
Lord, we ask You to compel us to be continuously
consecrated to You. Like Rebekah, we say, yes, to You. Now Lord, please use us,
to seek and find and lead Home, Your Bride.
We love You, forever.
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Isaac, Genesis 24
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Isaac, Genesis 24
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