Saturday, April 18, 2020

Isn't it Amazing?

Isn't it amazing?

Just think, less than three months ago…

Most of us never even heard of social distancing, COVID-19, self-quarantine, hydroxychloroquine.

We thought only outlaws wore masks up to checkout counters…now we think only outlaws, don’t.

We never dreamed Uncle Sam would direct deposit billion$ into our bank accounts.

Isn’t it amazing that…

Like only a few minutes ago, there was no such thing as a test for this virus, since the virus wasn’t even a thing. But today, there’s multiple tests, thousands of stations and each week over a million tests are processed. That’s beyond amazing and approaching miraculous.

What should’ve taken years, in a matter of weeks we’ve seen hospitals built; entire ship refurbished and sent; Car manufacturer retooled into ventilator factory. Extraordinary, wouldn’t you say?

Enough red tape was cut that common sense got a word in edgewise, allowing hundreds of millions of PPEs to be produced and provided. Astonishing, isn’t it?

God's alive & well and fighting for spite of ourselves. Amazing Grace, isn't it?

I wisdom dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge of witty inventions. (Proverbs 8:12)

Time line video:

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