Wednesday, December 9, 2015

A prayer for a friend, when holidays are hard

Dear Lord,
My friend, Your precious daughter, I lift to You.
You love her best, and know her most.
You know her fears, anxieties and feelings of loneliness—especially in crowded places. Especially during joyous occasions…especially, this time of year.
Grant her Your Comfort, Peace and Joy that transcends the weary, broken, lonely places.
Give her rest when the world falls silent.
Let the memories remain—but without the pain.
Lord, I pray You surround her with folks and angels, loving and kind.
Help her find her smile and feel heart felt laughter, again.
Show her the expanse of eternity’s joy compared to the miniscule breath of earth’s woe.
You endured the cross, the pain and the sorrow for the joy set before You. I pray she experience, now, today, this moment, the joy that waits just beyond the horizon, as a child anticipates Christmas morn.
Let the joy of every blessed tomorrow, wash away today’s sorrow.

Thank You Lord for being close enough to hear the very beat of her wounded heart. For staying so near You feel the breath of every sigh. 
Even now, in this season, where so much sorrow gets buried beneath glitter, lights, fake smiles and snow, we give You thanks, our Lord, our Healer.
You know all things. You know the depth of despair she’s traveled. You understand the feeling of being on the outside looking in. And You know firsthand, how Love never fails but wins.
You know my friend. You know she has loved well.
Will You mend her heart with Yours? My Lord, please graft Your love to hers so tight she’ll experience love, joy and peace greater than she’s ever known.
With a grateful heart we give You praise.
Lord Jesus, in Your Holy name we ask, believe and receive these things for Your glory. Amen.
Your friend. 
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1 comment:

Wise Hearted said...

I know God had people pray often for us as we ministered in a foreign country. Often times without us even letting know our request. How comforting it was to receive a note asking how thing were going and did we have a special need on such and such date. God knows no distance when it comes to His children and He loves for the saints to pray for each other. I know I don't do it enough.
My prayer would be for those serving overseas during this season. some of the most lonely times was in those remote places, away from family and friends. But I would do it all over again, and I know those that are there now will feel the same way. I pray for you brother, for your big heart that includes anyone who reads your post and more. Blessings